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Turnaround, Restructuring & Special Situations

Organisations facing strategic, operational and financial challenges need the right experts to work with their people to restore confidence and stability. Turnaround, Restructuring & Special Situations is adept at managing client and stakeholder dynamics to find the right liquidity and financing solution delivered in the most effective way to achieve a positive outcome.

How can our Turnaround, Restructuring & Special Situations team support you?

We work with organisations and their stakeholders in times of stress or distress to create a stable platform for recovery and refinancing. We’re able to bring independent thinking to the big picture issues, working to bring stakeholders onside and shaping long term turnaround and restructuring solutions that will bring an organisation’s performance and financing back to health.

Across the performance life cycle, we deliver the most impact and expertise working with Deloitte’s sector experts and the relevant teams from across our international network. We collaborate with Value Creation Services to support our clients’ plans with strategic and commercial actions, bringing rapid operational improvement by leveraging the team’s ability to deliver financial impact at pace. Debt, Capital & Treasury Advisory bring invaluable expertise in unlocking new debt streams and refinancing options, as well as enriching our mediations between organisations, their lenders and other stakeholders.

Our Performance Improvement teams

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Performance Improvement helps organisations take control of and unlock their financial and operational potential, delivering impact where it's needed and when it matters most.

Our Performance Improvement team bring their diverse knowledge and experience to the market through perspectives and insights. We discuss how we work through unique challenges for our clients across a range of industries to help them build solutions that deliver an impact which matters.