Our leading separation services span the full range of services from defining the separation perimeter from a financial, tax, cost and operational perspective through to support separation Day 1 planning.
We help clients design and establish a separation programme and governance structure including an operational handbook to identify current arrangements, a proposed Day 1 solution, and a fully standalone model and related separation cost impact.
We can develop transitional service schedules, manage the resolution of key separation issues and draft communication materials for the client. These documents are then shared with bidders to help them understand the perimeter of the business they are looking to acquire.
We provide financial and operational support to management, enabling them to present the business in a coherent and structured way. Our detailed separation planning support ensures an issue-free Day 1 and establishes a robust set of Transitional Service Agreements (TSAs) to ensure business continuity post completion.
Separation handbook
We will help you develop a separation handbook that outlines a clear definition of the separation perimeter from a financial, operational, technical and tax perspective, which is critical to define prior to approaching buyers.
Deep functional expertise
We understand the critical tasks that functions, such as technology, people, finance and legal, must deliver for a successful Day 1.
TSAs and costs
Getting TSAs right can be a very complex issue with an impact both on valuation and the timing to deliver Day 1.
Services include:
- Transaction management support
- IMO/Day 1 delivery
- Technology assessment
- Synergy assessment
- Functional support – HR (as above)