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Financial Services in Scotland

Recent market developments have led to the competitive and regulatory landscape evolving at unprecedented speed. As such, financial services organisations are having to understand and tackle an ever more complex matrix of organisational challenges.

At Deloitte, our specialist knowledge and industry experiences enables our experts to deliver tailored solutions to help companies address these new challenges, maximise market opportunities and create competitive advantage.

Our experience of retail banking, capital markets, insurance and investment and wealth management has enabled us to work with many of the UK’s financial institutions. Our clients form the centre of our thinking, and by working in partnership with them we can provide fully integrated solutions to meet their needs.

In Scotland, we have a dedicated financial services practice consisting of 10 partners and over 150 professional staff including specialists in assurance, treasury, actuarial, risk and regulation, tax and performance improvement services.

If you would like to discuss our Financial Services expertise, please contact us.

You can also find out more by visiting our UK Financial Services page.