Welcome to our latest research into the changing role of the CFO, which presents our findings from interviews with over 70 CFOs and 15 stakeholders based in the UK, many from leading global businesses across various sectors and industries, on what makes a CFO effective.
While the opportunity for CFOs to increase enterprise value has never
been greater, the adoption of technology and development of skills in data
analytics have been slower than expected.
Without the technology and skills to analyse data, the role of finance as the single source of reliable business performance insight is at risk.
CFOs are drawing on their emotional intelligence to retain and lead their team in times of uncertainty, hybrid working and the frustrations caused by limited investment in data and systems.
Their storytelling skills are critical to inspire their team as well as to influence the wider business. Amid a worldwide skills shortage, they recognise the need to have a clearly defined purpose to engage Gen Z and to have systems to perform the more mundane tasks.
We are grateful to the CFOs who took time out of their busy schedules to take part in this research and hope that by sharing their insight, this research will help other CFOs, and those who aspire to be CFOs, to be even more successful.