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The nature of fraud is changing

Act now to beat it.

Our new report - ‘The nature of fraud is changing: Act now to beat it’ – shares insight gained through recent client research and explores why organisations in the UK are on the cusp of significant change in terms of how they tackle the threat of fraud.

Fraud risk is an area of growing concern for many organisations and has significantly risen up the agenda in the last 18 months. Not only has the COVID-19 pandemic created more opportunities for fraud, but high-profile corporate frauds have led to increased regulatory scrutiny and the likely introduction of new legislation, i.e. ‘UK SOX’, following the BEIS consultation and potential reform of the law on corporate criminal liability.

Despite this, at a recent Deloitte fraud-related webinar 65% of our 80 attendees confirmed that they had not conducted an enterprise-wide fraud risk assessment in the last 12 months. We interviewed senior executives from different organisations across a range of industries to understand the challenges they face in managing and mitigating fraud risk.

Our research identified challenges across five key areas which organisations must tackle to manage fraud risk effectively. Click on the boxes below to learn more about each area and find out whether your organisation is taking a proactive approach to fraud risk management, or download the full report.

How does your organisation define fraud?

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Why do organisations find completing a fraud risk assessment so challenging?

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How can culture impact willingness to invest in fraud risk management?

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How can we ensure that fraud risk management is more than a tick-box exercise?

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What role should technology play in the mitigation of fraud risk?

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Read our ‘how to’ guide on developing a robust fraud risk assessment

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