Welcome to our ESG in Private Capital Survey 2023, where we explore UK-headquartered private asset investors’ progress as they integrate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors into their investment process.
Our aim is to shed light on the challenges they face and uncover the considerable opportunities ESG offers them.
An in-depth survey and interviews have revealed a resolute commitment among UK private market investors to incorporate ESG considerations into their investment decisions. However, their approaches to ESG integration differ. Limited Partners (LPs) and General Partners (GPs) have different views on how best to define outcomes and measure success, as well as on the approach to management of ESG risks.
We found five key barriers to ESG integration. They relate to data and reporting, benchmarking, securing the right talent, aligning with key stakeholders, and demonstrating value creation. These challenges, in particular for smaller firms, present obstacles for firms trying to navigate the ESG landscape successfully.
£111 billion-worth of funds seeking ESG or impact investments were raised between 2012 and 2022, accounting for 11% of total private market fundraising in the UK. Aggregate fundraising seeking ESG or impact investments peaked in 2021, representing 19% of total UK private market fundraising for the year. Despite a decline in 2022, private asset managers told us that they expect investor demand for ESG and impact funds to continue to grow. Managers plan to expand their offerings to meet the demand from investors and keep pace with the market.