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For marketers who want to push boundaries

EngageMe, a revolution in media content delivery

A revolution is occurring in media content delivery. Audiences are no longer groups, but are individuals who are connected and influenced through relevant content and interactions.

Customers want to be known, understood and engaged where and when they want. EngageMe is an engagement platform that helps you deepen relationships with your audience across responsive email and web, mobile app, SMS, notifications and in-person.

EngageMe helps brands deliver timely, relevant and targeted content experiences.

Increased engagement

Customers receive personalised messages to increase engagement that use profile, location, interaction and purchase data direct from Salesforce.

Automated multichannel campaigns

Marketing teams are empowered to automate, run and tweak campaigns providing content anywhere, anytime and on any device.

Accessible insight and analytics

Every interaction connected to an event, offer, subscription, or download provides additional data that allows for quick marketing segmentation and a holistic view of customer behaviour.

Personalised app experience

Through a dynamic immersive experience, Deloitte’s ‘Thread’ app provides suggested product and premium content listings, relevant event invitations, and offer redemptions that seamlessly connect with contextually aware marketing activities.


Who will benefit?

The EngageMe marketing accelerator is designed for CMOs, CIOs, chief digital officers and heads of sales at media and entertainment organisations across this diverse industry and provides the following benefits:

  • Increased customer lifetime value and retention
  • Personalised and targeted marketing and offers based on previous spending habits and customer attributes
  • Cross-sell and upsell opportunities such as marketing based on recommendation logic or location-based marketing
  • Marketing resource and spend effectiveness
  • Relevancy to consumer digital lifestyles
  • Digital marketing tracking and reporting


EngageMe by Deloitte Digital

Learn more about offerings from Deloitte Digital, an innovative leader in online and mobile strategy, design and development, offering world-class knowledge and resources from the leading global business and technology consultancy.
