The FRC has issued a minimum standard for audit committees in relation to their oversight responsibilities for the external audit. This follows the Government's Response to its ‘Restoring Trust in Audit and Corporate Governance’ consultation, and was driven by a specific recommendation from the Competition & Markets Authority’s Statutory Audit Services Market Study that the FRC “should have the power and a requirement to mandate minimum standards for both the appointment and oversight of auditors”.
A consultation process took place earlier this year and just a small number of changes have been made to the final version of the Standard. The title has been changed to reflect the focus on the audit committee’s role in relation to external audit only and the section on oversight of auditors has been expanded to include more guidance on how the audit committee should undertake an assessment of the effectiveness of the audit process.
There are a number of other matters to be aware of in relation to the new Standard:
The content of the new Standard
In addition to an initial section on ‘Scope & Authority’, the Standard comprises the following sections:
This section reflects the audit committee responsibilities set out in the UK Corporate Governance Code in relation to the external audit but also includes some additional responsibilities:
This section of the Standard includes the recommendations from the FRC’s ‘Audit Tenders: Notes on Best Practice’ but also incorporates considerations of the need to expand audit market diversity and challenges to those firms eligible to participate in a tender process but who choose not to and how that is in the public interest. In particular, the Standard states “The Audit Committee should remind eligible firms that refuse to tender that they may as a result be ineligible to bid for non-audit services work.”
Oversight of auditors and audit
This section emphasises the need for the audit committee to create a culture which recognises the work of and encourages challenge by the auditor. The Standard also notes that engagement level Audit Quality Indicators can be used as evidence of the effectiveness of the external audit and the
This is the section of the final Standard to receive the most significant amendment further to the consultation process. Reflecting the importance of the audit committee’s assessment of the effectiveness of the external audit process, this section has been expanded to include elements from the ‘Guidance on audit committees’ in relation to that assessment (see paragraphs 16 & 17 of the Standard).
The audit committee will be required to report on the activities it has undertaken to meet the requirements of the Standard. Where, in line with the new responsibility to engage with shareholders on the scope of the audit, shareholders have requested that certain matters be covered in an audit and that request has been rejected, an explanation of the reasons why should be provided.
To access the full standard click here.