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Director Training

Continuous director training is a key measure to ensure effective corporate governance and risk management given today’s ever-changing landscape.

Companies and directors themselves risk severe fines and consequences if training is not completed on time.

Our hybrid Director Training platform offers content that is both widely applicable, or a bespoke solution that you can build and brand as your own.

This technology can be adapted for you, your people and your company’s governance processes. An auto-update function that is integrated into your organisation as soon as a director is appointed means they will be added to the portal and will receive a unique training plan, specifically tailored to them.

Director Training is also an opportunity to tap into the jurisdictional expertise of our lawyers worldwide. Content is gathered and regularly updated by lawyers across the globe.

Training covers subjects such as directors’ roles and responsibilities, approving financial statements, scope of personal liability and Powers of Attorney.


1. Mitigate risk of severe organisational fines through keeping abreast of all training requirements.

2. A flexible platform that boosts directors’ awareness of their legal duties through dynamic, engaging and relevant modules that are easy to access.

3. Integrated with your HR and entity management systems, it provides customised, smart training.

4. An auditable history of training for improved compliance.5Global learning can happen remotely or on the move – no more ties to in-person sessions requiring directors to join at unsociable hours to cover a multitude of jurisdictions.

5. Global learning can happen remotely or on the move – no more ties to in-person sessions requiring directors to join at unsociable hours to cover a multitude of jurisdictions.

We also offer:

A digital-first solution to locating and managing global signing authority information.

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A bespoke, cloud-based request capture and tracking tool that provides efficient and value-adding corporate and legal services.

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Our solution can help you make sure your directors are trained to the highest possible standards - which benefits them and your business. Get in touch to learn more.

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