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Dara, our digital worker

Your workforce: Amplified

Introducing Dara

Do more for less. Don’t compromise customer experience. Be resilient. And flexible. Oh, and get it done faster.

Individually these conditions are challenging, combined they can be overwhelming. To tackle this, many businesses are looking to digitise their operations, using digital workers to amplify their teams.



Easy to say. Often harder to do.

Can you secure the upfront investment to implement the digital technologies you need when budgets are being squeezed?

Do you have the right cloud infrastructure and specialist teams to get up and running quickly, and scale to meet increasing demand?

Can you manage and monitor your digital workers 24/7, so that they work hard for you around the clock, at maximum capacity?

Meet Dara, our digital worker.

From handling customer queries to processing claims, Dara can quickly increase the capacity of your workforce, providing relief for your teams, in a quick and cost-efficient way. Hosted on our secure cloud environment, and managed by us 7 days a week, Dara is a digital worker that can scale up and down as required. All whilst operating safely and securely.

Less risk, less investment, all the benefits of automation.

And with Dara working hard for you behind the scenes, you can focus on expanding your operations and delivering the best possible customer experience. All at optimum cost.

An end-to-end solution

1. Get up and running quickly

Our secure cloud environment is already integrated with leading technology vendors (from intelligent automation to analytics). This means we can start augmenting your operations quickly, and securely. Our cloud-based platform allows you to reduce your total cost of ownership and because we’re managing it for you, you can free up resources in your team.

2. Meet Dara, the digital worker

Once you’re up and running, you’ll meet Dara, our digital worker. Dara can amplify your workforce – helping your people to deliver business processes. Dara’s job is to orchestrate many different digital components, mastering the skills to handle a variety of activities – from handling claims to scheduling staff. If a new skill is required to support your business processes, we can move quickly to build it into Dara’s capabilities.

3. Your support team

With our UK based Robotics Operations Centre, we’re able to monitor and manage Dara 7 days a week to keep your business processes running smoothly. The team will fix any issues as they arise and answer any of your adhoc queries. Dara can work hard around the clock, but everyone needs a second opinion from time to time. So that Dara keeps on adding value to your business, we provide the right people to help Dara make the right decisions, deferring to you where appropriate.

4. Track performance and ROI

Because Dara is a digital worker, you’re able to track all the work they complete, and with analytics built-in, you can quickly measure key metrics such as financial savings, and utilisation for capacity planning. With Dara working 24/7 across your processes, you’re able to access always-on insight into how your operations are performing and how they can improve. We've also built in an orchestration tool to provide seamless integration of workflow between Dara and your teams.

5. Operate with confidence

Drawing on our established Risk expertise, controls are built into Dara from the outset. This mitigates the risks of automation to your business and gives you confidence that Dara is operating securely. By creating a risk based governance model with you, we will give you transparency over how the technology and processes are implemented, ensuring all the right controls are in place.

Reduced cost

Lower your total cost of ownership

Mitigate the significant up-front costs usually required for implementing automation by tapping into our architecture - only paying for what you use to keep ongoing costs to a minimum.

Pay by results

We offer a range of flexible pricing models - from subscription to risk/reward. All work on the principle that you only pay based on the results Dara delivers for you.

Grow your workforce cost effectively

Supplementing your workforce with digital workers allows you to deliver more for your business at lower cost, and because digital workers can operate 24/7 you can significantly increase your capacity.

Speed and scale

Get up and running quickly

Our infrastructure is ready to go, supported by practitioners around the world. This means implementation can be reduced from weeks to days. By accessing our cloud-agnostic platform, you can scale your operations rapidly.

Respond to increased or unexpected demand

If you’re required to launch a new service or ramp up delivery quickly, digital workers can be fully operational for you in a very short period of time with no requirement to set up laptops and desks.

Build business resilience

By amplifying your workforce with Dara as your digital worker, business continuity is improved during those periods where you have less human workers available, as well as periods of operational stress and high demand.

Safe and secure

Operate securely

By drawing on our years of risk expertise we’ve made sure controls are built into Dara from the outset which mitigates the risks of automation to your business. We’ll also make sure the automation of your operations meets any regulatory requirements.

Enhance quality

Digital workers are fast and accurate, working hard behind the scenes to deliver a smooth experience for your business and your customer, even in times of increased pressure. With lower error rates, Dara can also help you enhance quality and control risk.

Automate with confidence

Accelerate the speed of change across your business safely. We’ll manage and maintain Dara 7 days a week, making continual improvements to keep adding value to your business.

Lean on our operations experience

Getting automation right requires much more than just getting the technology to work.

With over 20 years experience running operations, we understand operations are intricate. We’ve built this experience into Dara, so that your digital worker doesn’t just automate a process in isolation but does this in a way that integrates and scales with your complex operations.




What can Dara do?

Dara masters skills by orchestrating many digital components. If a new skill is required to support your business processes, we can move quickly to build it into Dara’s capabilities. Here are some of the skills that Dara has:

  • Document processing
  • Workflow management
  • Communication
  • Customer contact
  • Case management
  • Staff scheduling
  • Appointment booking
  • Data analysis
  • Data visualisation
  • Work orchestration
  • And any other skills you need



Dara can use these skills to deliver a range of activities including:

  • Responding to customer claims including travel and business interruption
  • Communicating with your customers and keeping them informed
  • Monitoring inventory and ordering new stock
  • Undertaking your KYC processes
  • Managing payments for your business
  • Helping you to manage fraud detection
  • Processing applications, including loan and mortgages
  • Helping you to manage call surges
  • Streamlining your recruitment processes

Amplify your workforce today

Find out more about the opportunities and challenges faced by businesses across the globe as they look to scale automation.