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Competitiveness: Catching the next wave


India has the potential to become an economic powerhouse by 2025, with many long-term economic advantages, such as a young demographic base, growing incomes, an expanding (and globalised) middle class. Deloitte's latest competitiveness report aims to examine India’s economic and demographic factors, along with the role government and policy makers play in driving the country’s “next wave” of sustainable growth.

As India continues to confront issues linked to infrastructure, poverty and high inflation, the election of a new government has brought some energy back to the economy. Policy decisions and choices will determine the nature, pace and success of economic growth going forward, which means identifying sectors that can reap the potential benefits of demographic dividends and tap resources most efficiently. Competitiveness: Catching the next wave in India, a new report by Deloitte, highlights the industry sectors that will help power the country’s next wave of sustainable growth, which include infrastructure and construction; banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI); wholesale and retail trade; automobile manufacturing; pharmaceuticals; and ICT (information and communications technology).

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