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Women in Cyber

Amrita’s story

Since joining Deloitte, Amrita has been able to build a career she loves. We speak to her about her progression at the firm, and what she does in her spare time.

How do you explain your job to friends and family?

At its most basic level, Cyber is an enabling function for businesses to grow sustainably in line with their appetite for risk. As consultants we help clients to solve their cyber problems so they can achieve their business objectives. I am constantly learning by working across industries to understand the unique challenges that businesses, government and society face when existing in the digital sphere.



Tell us something about your business we might not know?

Risk is not something to shy away from and nor can it be completely eradicated. In Risk Advisory we give our clients the confidence to grow in a rapidly changing world, which enables them to positively manage risk. I think this concept of risk is really interesting when making the transition from education to consulting. It’s a good antidote to perfectionism, and encourages us to use our courage to experiment, make mistakes and learn from them.



What’s the best thing about working with your team?

I belong to a large eco-system of cyber professionals who are extremely knowledgeable and eager to share that knowledge with others. I am really proud of the strong bonds we have formed within our graduate cohort. As new cyber professionals who started our careers during a pandemic, these relationships are invaluable as we develop a network of future business leaders. You can be yourself here and there is a genuine belief that different perspectives build more innovative and effective teams. You will work alongside a vibrant mix of professionals who will challenge your thinking and best of all, they want you to challenge their way of thinking too. I love building a strong, vibrant network around me so I get involved with lots of Deloitte networks including GLOBE (LGBTQ+), Women in Tech, Women in Cyber, and the Sikh Network. I try to go to as many ‘lunch and learn’ sessions as it helps to broaden my horizons.



Tell us about your progression

In terms of career progression, you can steer your own ship at Deloitte. This all happens within a very supportive performance structure, including a people leader and a coach to soundboard your ideas and maintain regular feedback on your performance. You learn on-the job by working with clients, but alongside that there is an endless resource of industry-recognised training, qualifications, and and volunteering so you can tailor your learning to your interests.



What do you do in your spare time?

Outside work, I’m passionate about cycling and I ride with clubs that try to lower the barrier of entry into the sport from road cycling to bike backpacking adventures. I also participate in London’s rich LGBTQ+ and electronic music scene because I find that different types of people, ideas, and sounds stimulate me. There is a brilliant overlap between the history of the LGBTQ+ community and the use of technology in music to re-imagine a better future.

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