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Life at Deloitte in Manchester


An incredibly vibrant and dynamic place to work, the mix of people we have in our Manchester office are as diverse as the city we all love. Whatever opportunity you’re looking for, you’ll find it here.

Giving Phoebe a helping hand

In Manchester, we have made a real impact for a six-year-old girl, using 3D printing to change her life.


Little Phoebe was born without a left hand. Working with her, her family, and two incredible not-for-profit organisations, the Customer team within Technology & Transformation was able to 3D print a unique prosthetic hand for her.

It all started when one of our collagues, who works in our Manchester office, held a prototype hand at a Deloitte event. This was an emotional experience, as the technology offered so many possibilities for Phoebe and others like her. The team worked with the family and Enabling the Future, a vibrant worldwide community that shares knowledge and templates of 3D-printed hands.

Using software, and an open source design created by UK charity Team UnLimbited, the Deloitte team generated all the parts required using just three measurements from Phoebe. They even let Phoebe add her own designs, with a special set of pens. The hand worked using kinetic energy from her elbow, with fishing line for ligaments.

The team continues to develop new versions. The latest is lighter, more robust and easier for Phoebe to fit; she can even use scissors. They are now exploring adding a pivot in the wrist, so Phoebe can hold a drink to her lips. And they aim to harness kinetic energy from her wrist, so the plastic does not need to cover so much of her forearm. To see her shake her hand, for the first time in their lives, is something the family will never forget.

Who knew...?

A forward thinking career and a laid back lifestyle

We help some of the most successful and exciting companies solve their greatest challenges. From estate to finance and much more. Our office sits in a prime city-centre location. We offer flexible working opportunities, but no matter where we are physically, we all pride ourselves on working together.

Our people connect with Deloitte Manchester not just through the amazing client work we do - such as helping Greater Manchester transform healthcare services following the first ever devolution deal in the UK - but also through exciting sponsorships, such as the Rugby League World Cup 2021. We are proud to be official professional services partner to the global tournament, which we are helping to make the most digitally-connected sports event of the year. 90% of the games will be played in the North and our people will have the chance to be mentors and volunteers.

We are a tight-knit, welcoming bunch, with a strong sense of purpose and drive for societal impact at the very core of everything we do. There is no typical Deloitte employee here; we are a digitally-native, vibrant mix of minds, comfortable bringing our true selves to work every day.

What do our people say?

There are so many exciting opportunities for you here, with clients in every area. We’ve built a strong community here in Manchester, and our people enjoy exploring everything there is to offer. In this vibrant and exciting location, you can build a career that works for you.

"The Mobility practice in Manchester is run by a group of amazing individuals who take pride in working for Deloitte. Their actions and attitude encourage others to invest in their professional and personal growth."



Tax, Manchester

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