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Five 2023 workflow automation trends reshaping the future

To help leaders across industries and geographies as they take on emerging challenges, we’ve identified five oncoming workplace trends, who will be most affected by each and how Deloitte and ServiceNow can help organisations take action with speed, scale and insight.

Your workplace, reimagined

Together, these trends chart the future of work, setting a roadmap for how teams can position themselves to not just endure, but excel in the face of the changes and challenges we foresee for 2023 and beyond.

Uniting innovative tech with deep knowledge

With the ServiceNow platform, teams can reimagine both the ways they work and the experiences and products they deliver. As you adopt new tech, Deloitte is uniquely positioned to support and advise along the way.

Discover today's emerging workplace challenges—and equip your organisation to thrive in the face of them.

Power the future of your workplace

Through the lenses of these five trends, we take a close-up look at both the state of the enterprise space today and where it needs to be tomorrow. This knowledge should serve as a launch point to recession-proof your business and use challenges to power positive change—building a future of work that’s sustainable, intelligent, innovative and most of all, human.

Explore the five key challenges organisations will face

The sustainability imperative—and the challenge within

Customers, regulators and governments are holding organisations more accountable than ever for their sustainability commitments. But balancing stakeholders, reporting frameworks and compliance requirements can make it overwhelming to establish a plan that is both actionable and impactful. Organisations need a flexible, extendible and scalable technology platform that can account for the issues that drive accountability as well as regulations, processes and benchmarks.

  • 98% of customers believe that brands have a responsibility to make the world a better place.
    • Source: Peto, John, et. al., "The CIO’s call to action: Driving an environmentally sustainable tech agenda to accelerate organisational change," Deloitte Insights, May 18, 2022
  • 1 in 4 employees report that they’ve considered switching organisations to work for a more sustainable employer.
    • Source: Cascone, James, et. al., "Driving Accountable Sustainability in the consumer industry," Deloitte Insights, June 9, 2022.

Turning a crisis of productivity into an opportunity for innovation

A shift to more hybrid and contract work models has translated to a disconnected workforce, while a growing skills gap has left many industries with a talent void. One of the effects of these new realities is a continuing productivity challenge. This ultimately impacts employee experience, organisational performance and shareholder value. Beyond that, it creates an environment of instability and uncertainty.

Now is the time for rapid, disruptive change and a fundamental reconfiguration of business models, processes and structures. This requires:

  • An agile ecosystem
  • Simplified processes
  • Embedded AI

Organisations can drive end-to-end value delivery through digital transformation

Many organisations lack the infrastructure to drive end-to-end value delivery through their investment strategies. In a time when technological innovation is imperative for all, this can result in stagnation and inefficiencies up and down an organisation’s chain of value. Organisations should view investments as a vehicle for lasting, systemic value creation and examine how digital transformation efforts fit into long-term strategic goals.

  • Many technology leaders reported that the pandemic has created an opportunity to reassess technology investments or reinvigorate existing investment plans.
    • Source: Kark, Khalid, et. al., "Maximizing the impact of technology investments in the new normal," Deloitte Insights, February 3, 2021.

With effective management, cost optimisation can boost innovation rather than hinder it

Organisations are in the process of digitising every aspect of their operations, from customer experience to supply chain management and service delivery. This poses a new challenge: how to most effectively manage the costs of these expansive new tech landscapes. Failure to manage costs effectively can have a lasting impact on the pace of innovation. Enterprise-wide transparency allows different teams to compare cost-management strategies and effective benchmarks are key to measuring progress against peers as well as the broader market.

  • In a recent Deloitte study, organisations experiencing a greater value from their cloud services were not, in fact, spending significantly more than other respondents.
    • Source: Domes, Cathleen, et. al., "Where does cloud generate the most value?" Deloitte Insights, October 4, 2022.

Enterprise performance requires strategic advancement toward Enterprise Service Management (ESM) maturity

Expectations of enterprise performance going forward are bringing new urgency to adoption of an ESM approach. Establishing a framework for ESM gives organisations the means to ensure that service delivery within the enterprise itself provides the right experiences, manages risks and is as efficient and effective as possible. To reach this milestone, enterprises should prioritise the systems and architectures that allow for a high degree of governance.

  • ESM maturity equips organisations with the tools to adapt to many of today’s emerging workplace trends.

Get started today

Read the full 2023 Workflow Automation Trends Report to learn about the Deloitte and ServiceNow solutions that help your organisation rise above these challenges.