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5 Million Futures

Building better futures

Millions of people around the world are held back from achieving their full potential.

Investing in education and skills is the answer. It is the foundation of opportunity and progress and creates better futures for all.

Since 2016, Deloitte has focused on helping people in the UK overcome barriers to education and employment through our 5 Million Futures social impact strategy. Working with schools and charities, we mobilise our people through volunteering, fundraising and pro bono work to build better futures throughout the UK.

In the year ending 31 May 2023, over 638,000 people benefitted from our 5 Million Futures programmes, with professionals across our firm volunteering more than 52,000 hours of their time. We support partners both at a national level and locally with each of our regional offices working with a charity whose work is aligned with our 5 Million Futures goals.

5 Million Futures supports Deloitte’s global WorldClass ambition to reach 100 million people by 2030.

Read the Deloitte Commitment to Responsible Business Practice Statement.

Our purpose in action


We believe we make the greatest societal impact when we empower our professionals to use their skills and experience to help people in three areas: skills, education and employability. The sections below highlight some of our 5 Million Futures programmes under each, delivered in collaboration with our charity and school partners.

Closing the digital divide

We are helping charities and individuals thrive in an increasingly virtual world by building digital skills, making connections, and providing access to technology.

Our Deloitte Digital Connect programme, delivered in collaboration with CAST, brings together over 30 charities per cohort - including Deloitte’s 5 Million Futures charity partners, and aims to help them scale their impact by building digital capacity and capability within their organisations.

Developed in response to the impact of COVID-19 on the UK’s third sector, the programme connects charities with expertise and advice, helping them build a peer community through mentoring, group coaching calls, workshops, masterclasses, and access to digital resources.

We have also committed to giving 5,000 reconditioned Deloitte laptops a year to UK schools and charities. As of September 2022, we had donated nearly 7,000 laptops.

Building strong, sustainable school leadership

We support the professional development of teachers, school leaders and governors by providing skill-building programmes, resources and funding for leadership qualifications.

Through our School Leadership programme delivered with Teach First, we provide National Professional Qualifications funding to train teachers, host Headteacher Impact Labs and offers internships at Deloitte for teaching staff.

Deloitte also partners with Governors for Schools to enable our people to become governors supporting their personal development while enabling them to contribute key skills that directly improve education outcomes. In the year ending 31 May 2022, our people contributed approximately 7,500 hours to school governing bodies in the UK.

Our people also deliver employability and life skills sessions to 32 schools partnered with our offices across the country, supporting school leaders to provide enrichment opportunities and broaden students' horizons.

Empowering under-represented groups to access the world of work

We work with inclusion-focused charities Scope, Blueprint for All, & Just Like Us to unlock untapped talent, using targeted programmes and bursaries that support and inspire people on their path to employment.

Our Blueprint for All Bursary Scheme, part of Deloitte UK’s Black Action Plan, supports 43 students from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds attending selected universities in the UK. As well as receiving £2,250 for each of the three years of their studies, students are paired with a Deloitte mentor who helps them develop key skills.

We provide targeted support from Black, Asian and minority ethnic background through the iAccelerator programme, a four-day virtual skills development work experience.

We also fund key initiatives for Scope and Just Like Us, helping them provide support and development opportunities for their beneficiaries. Through fundraising, volunteering and pro bono work, we are helping our inclusion partners provide services that help secure better outcomes for those who face higher barriers to employment.


In support of our WorldClass ambition to improve 100 million futures globally by 2030, we focus on initiatives and solutions which draw on our people’s skills to build better futures across the UK. We empower our professionals to use their skills and experience to help people in three areas: skills, education and employability.

Explore our national partnerships below.

National Education partners

Action Tutoring
Before the pandemic, disadvantaged students were on average, 18 months behind their more advantaged peers by the end of secondary school. The pandemic worsened this gap. Action Tutoring supports these young people to achieve academically by partnering them with volunteer tutors. Deloitte volunteers are tutoring primary and secondary school students in maths and English weekly over a school term. Not only does this regular support improve subject knowledge but it also increases confidence and study skills, whilst enabling our people to use and develop their communication, organisational and relationship skills.

Governors for Schools
Governors for Schools finds, places, and supports skilled volunteers as governors and trustees on school and academy boards. Deloitte is supporting strong and sustainable school leadership by engaging our people to become school governors, bringing their skills and expertise to the table and improving education for children. In turn, Governors for Schools provides access to high-quality, curated learning and skills development offering a great professional and personal development opportunity to our people.

Chapter One
It all starts with literacy. Children from disadvantaged backgrounds are not getting the opportunities they need to learn to read well and this can throw their whole life off track, and make it impossible to reach their full potential. But with the right support, at the right time, reading has the power to transform their futures – no matter their circumstances today. Chapter One gives children 1:1 reading support at the time when they need it the most by connecting schools with corporate volunteers. A team of Deloitte volunteers read and play word games online for 30 minutes a week with struggling 5- 7-year-olds in five Doncaster schools over the bespoke Chapter One platform, helping to build reading confidence and self-belief in children who might otherwise slip through the cracks.

Teach First
Where you’re from shouldn’t determine where you’re going. Yet too often it does. Children from disadvantaged backgrounds don’t start with the same chances and the inequality continues throughout childhood. It’s not their fault and it isn’t fair. Teach First is fighting to make our education system work for every child by getting great teachers and brilliant leaders into schools serving disadvantaged communities where they can make a lasting difference. Since 2006, Deloitte has supported Teach First by donating more than £2 million, supporting 1,352 teachers and leaders, and impacting 414,700 pupils to date. Deloitte is currently working with Teach First to support strong and sustainable school leadership by funding the delivery of its National Professional Qualification, which supports teachers into leadership roles in the schools facing the biggest challenges.

The Access Project
Disadvantaged young people are five times less likely to go to a top university in comparison to more advantaged students, according to the Department for Education. The Access Project's mission is to address this. Deloitte and The Access Project work with students from these backgrounds to help them access top universities through tutoring and mentoring. Deloitte volunteers are helping young people with their GCSEs and A-Levels for an hour every week during the school year. This extra support not only helps to improve a student’s grades but also provides them with a role model, whilst helping our people to use and develop their communication, organisational and relationship skills. We know that through our joint efforts students on the programme are more than twice as likely as similarly disadvantaged students to attend top universities.

National Inclusion partners


Blueprint for All
Blueprint for All believes that race, ethnicity, or background should not limit what one can achieve in life. As part of our Black Action Plan and with a focus on equality of opportunity, Deloitte is supporting with Blueprint for All through pro bono, volunteering and fundraising. Together, we have also developed a new bursary scheme designed for students of Black, Asian, and minority ethnic heritage and from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds, to support their ambitions in carving out a successful future.

Just Like Us
Deloitte has partnered with Just Like Us, a charity focused on promoting LGBTQ+ education and inclusion in schools, and on empowering young LGBTQ+ people. Our partnership supports their Ambassador Programme, which recruits, trains, and supports LGBTQ+ ambassadors aged 18-25 to deliver inspiring and educational school sessions which champion LGBTQ+ equality. The programme also helps ambassadors develop their skills and confidence, increasing employability.

Scope’s vision is to achieve a society where all disabled people enjoy equality and fairness. Scope provides practical advice and emotional support whenever people need them most. They do this through Scope’s helpline, which is an online community, with a range of employment and child sleep services, community engagement programmes, partnerships and more.

National Project partners


Be the Business
Be the Business is an independent, not-for-profit organisation, with a singular goal: to help business owners and leaders improve the performance and productivity of their business for the health of the UK’s economy. Deloitte works with Be the Business to provide founders of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) a Deloitte mentor to support their businesses to grow and scale. Deloitte mentors use their business skills and experience to support these businesses.

Business in the Community
Business in the Community (BITC) is one of the oldest and largest business-led membership organisations dedicated to responsible business. BITC inspires, engages, and challenges their members to create a skilled inclusive workforce by building thriving communities in which to live. Their vision is for the UK to lead the world in responsible business practices. Deloitte works with BITC delivering career coaching and employability skills sessions to members of the community.

CAST is a charity helping organisations use digital for social good. Deloitte and CAST are working together to deliver Deloitte Digital Connect, a new initiative to help charities close the digital divide. Digital Connect connects charities with expertise, advice, and a network to support their digital development to enhance their community impact.

TaxAid and TaxAid for Older People is a charity that helps people on low incomes when they get into difficulties with their tax affairs. We’re proud that the UK Tax and Legal practice have been able to provide TaxAid with much-needed support for a number of years. Our goal is to be the leading UK corporate social responsibility programme for the tax profession, and this partnership provides an opportunity for Our Tax and Legal professionals at all levels to give back to society.

In addition to our national partnerships, each of our offices in the UK selects a charity partner to support for three years - currently from 1 June 2022 to 31 May 2025.

Explore our office charity partnerships below.

South & South East


Cambridge & Ipswich:
Papworth Trust

Papworth Trust are a local charity that supports disabled people, their families and carers, and work to help disabled people find sustainable employment and achieve broader independence. Their mission is to create a world where disabled people are seen for who they are.

St Catherine's Hospice

St. Catherine’s Hospice aims to help everyone they support to face death informed, supported and pain free. The charity’s services include caring for patients bereavement support, clinical intervention and therapeutic activities.


Place2Be is the UK’s leading charity providing mental health support to children and young people, plus advice and training to parents and teachers. Place2Be create safe places in schools where children can open up without pressure, building emotional skills needed to thrive.

Milton Keynes:
Camphill Milton Keynes Communities

Camphill MK is a place where people with learning disabilities and autism are encouraged and supported to maximise their potential through the experience of living, learning and working in community with others.

Starting Point

Starting Point is passionate about seeing transformation in the lives of young people who face disadvantage. It delivers programmes that help local volunteers to support local young people equipped by local businesses.


IntoUniversity offers an innovative programme that supports young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to attain either a university place or another chosen aspiration.

St Abans:
Mind in Mid Herts (MiMH)

MiMH runs a number of programmes focused on prevention, recovery, and support to empower people to take control of their mental health.

South West & Wales


Bristol & Weston Hospitals Charity

Bristol & Weston Hospitals Charity improve the health and happiness of every patient. The charity transforms the experiences patients have in hospitals bringing moments of joy, comfort and hope.

National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS)

NYAS Cymru supports, safeguards and empowers children young people and vulnerable adults across England and Wales. They are a leading rights-based charity who provide advocacy and legal representation to children and vulnerable adults when important decisions are being made about them.




Place2Be is the UK’s leading charity providing mental health support to children and young people, plus advice and training to parents and teachers. Place2Be creates safe places in schools where children can open up without pressure, building emotional skills needed to thrive.

Dame Kelly Holmes Trust

Dame Kelly Holmes Trust equips young people with the positive behaviours and mindset they need to tackle the disadvantage they face due to inequality in their everyday lives.

North West


The Hive, Wirral Youth Zone

The Hive Youth Zone’s vision is for every young person on the Wirral to be happy, healthy and to thrive within their community. By always putting young people first, they combine high quality youth work with inspiring activities in an inclusive, safe space.

Manchester Youth Zone

MYZ provides a unique safe place, with a wealth of sport, creative, education and employability activities. MYZ works to raise their members’ aspirations, equip them with the tools to increase their confidence, build positive relationships and add something back to their own community.

North East


Leeds Mind

Leeds Mind has been promoting positive mental health and wellbeing and providing support to anyone who needs it in and around Leeds for 50 years. Leeds Mind offers many services, including: counselling, group therapy, social support, peer support, social prescribing, employment support, suicide bereavement support, and mental health training.


Crisis works directly with thousands of homeless people every year providing vital help so that people can rebuild their lives and are supported out of homelessness for good.

Scotland & Northern Ireland


Aberdeen Cyrenians

Aberdeen Cyrenians support vulnerable people in crisis including those fleeing abuse, affected by trauma, poverty, disadvantage, exclusion, addiction or mental illness, liberated from prison, sofa surfing or rough sleeping.

Simon Community

Simon Community is a homelessness charity which supports people at risk of or experiencing homelessness, and helps them to resolve issues in their lives that may put their home at risk.

Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH)

SAMH works with adults and young people providing mental health social care support, services in primary care, schools and further education, among others. These services, together with their work in suicide prevention and active living, inform their policy and campaign work to influence positive social change.

Move On

Move On supports vulnerable young people and people affected by homelessness. The charity empowers people to gain confidence and a sense of motivation to “move on” from crisis points.



Clubhouse Gibraltar

Clubhouse Gibraltar provides support for those who have been affected by mental illness and mental health problems.

Grow Ltd.

Grow aims to help adults with learning disabilities and difficulties to develop self-confidence and life skills - enabling them to be included and valued within a workplace and the wider community by providing employment, training and mentoring in a safe and stimulating environment.

Isle of Man:
The Children's Centre

The Children’s Centre develops a variety of services aimed at enabling young people and families to realise their full potential, improve their life chances and become independent, confident and contributing members of society.

Every Child Our Future (ECOF)

ECOF is an educational charity, which provides literacy, numeracy and early years support to primary school children in Jersey. The programme has been designed to help children who are struggling to develop basic numeracy skills.

Our people deliver employability and life skills sessions to schools partnered with our offices across the UK, supporting school leaders to provide enrichment opportunities and broaden students' horizons.

Explore our school partnerships below.

St Machar Academy

Hazelwood Integrated College

George Dixon Academy
Moseley School and Sixth Form
Saltley Academy

All Saints Academy
Hannah More Primary School
Merchants' Academy

Eastern High School
Fitzalan High School
Willow's High School

Craigmount High School

Govan High School

Hautlieu School

Tong Leadership Academy

Holly Lodge Girls' College

Ada. National College for Digital Skills
Addey and Stanhope School
City of London Academy Islington
Harrow High School
Holy Family Catholic School & Sixth Form
Maria Fidelis Catholic School
St Mary Magdalene Academy
St Paul's Way Trust School
Swanlea School

Connell Coop Academy
St Peter's RC High School
Whalley Range 11-18 High School

Milton Keynes
MK Academy

Cardinal Hume Catholic School

Limehurst Academy

John Madejski Academy

Cantell School

St Albans
Samuel Ryder Academy

We are also passionate about the action we can take on nature and climate, in support of our global WorldClimate agenda. We have partnered with three sustainability focused charities to offer pro bono support and a range of volunteering opportunities to our professionals, including team days.

Explore our office charity partnerships below.

Whale & Dolphin Conservation
The ocean covers 70% of the planet’s surface, is our largest carbon sink and an essential nature-based solution to the climate crisis. Whales are keystone species, helping to absorb and sequester huge amounts of carbon and fertilising the microscopic plants that soak up carbon dioxide. We are working with Whale and Dolphin Conservation to scale the development of a blue carbon market, based on the immense carbon storage abilities of whales, to help finance whale conservation globally.

Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust
Deloitte is supporting Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust’s (WWT) vision of a world where healthy wetland nature thrives, enriches lives and protects endangered species and habitats. We are helping WWT to promote the value of wetland creation to companies tackling climate change, with a focus on the role of saltmarsh in capturing and locking away ‘blue carbon’ (the carbon stored in coastal and marine ecosystems) to make investment in this habitat more accessible and compelling.

Soil Association
The Soil Association’s mission is to help everyone understand and explore the vital relationship between the health of our soil, plants, animals and people, and to combat the effects of intensive farming systems. In support of this ambition, Deloitte is exploring the development of an economic framework to incentivise more sustainable farming and land management.