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Improving surgical care for parents and their babies

As an obstetrician, Rajiv Varma has brought thousands of new lives into the world. He saw a way of delivering caesarean-section babies more safely and invented a life-saving device called the Fetal Pillow®.

“A simple idea”

“Not all C-sections are easy,” says Rajiv. “The Fetal Pillow® is a very simple idea that makes it easier to deliver the baby during a difficult C-section.

“When it’s inserted under the baby’s head and inflated with fluid, it gently lifts the baby’s head up,” said Rajiv.

The solution was designed to allow medical professionals to deliver a baby without excessive manipulation and force.

Since its launch, it’s been used more than 60,000 times, with no complications.

“Having developed, prototyped and tested it, my company launched the product 11 years ago,” Rajiv continues.

“Then, in 2020, with a couple of companies interested in acquiring us, we needed an expert view on what the right thing was for us and our product. So we got in touch with Deloitte.”

“Literally saving lives”

Amar Shah is a partner in Deloitte’s Life Sciences and Health Care M&A Advisory practice.

“We’re really glad we could be part of Rajiv’s story,” says Amar, “and Safe Obstetric Systems is the kind of business we love to work with.

“I always find the best businesses are the ones that you can explain in 20 seconds. You see what it does and how it works, and you get it. And this was exactly that.

“Rajiv came to us and told us that his device was being used in the NHS – and he wanted to sell his business to a company with the worldwide relationships needed to make it an even bigger success.

“The more I talked to Rajiv, spent time with the business and looked into his data, the more I realised that this was a fantastic product.

“It was literally saving lives.”

Supporting businesses

“Our job is about solving problems,” Amar continues. “In this case, to find the right home for a product with a lot of potential - and so much value beyond the financial.

“When working with founders, it’s really important to us to support them and make the process of selling their business easier.

“Our advice consists of not only preparing the marketing materials and supporting discussions with potential buyers, but also taking the time to ensure the business is properly prepared for a sale process.

“Key to achieving such a great fit, is the reputation and reach our firm has in the life sciences and health care sector. Our ability to connect directly with senior executives or board members is hugely important for our clients.

“Since advising on the deal between Safe Obstetric Systems and CooperSurgical, product adoption has accelerated worldwide.

“In the past 12 months the Fetal Pillow® has been used on a scale that Rajiv’s company would never have been able to achieve by itself.”

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