Almost half of companies (46) in the FTSE 100 made prior year adjustments to their previously reported climate and sustainability metrics this year, according to analysis by Deloitte.
Deloitte’s analysis looked at the climate and sustainability disclosures in the most recently published annual and/or sustainability reports as of 31 December 2023.
Of the restatements made, 89% related to greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) metrics, with the remainder (11%) comprised of a variety of other sustainability topics (including waste, water, diversity & inclusion, and health & safety). 32% of all restatements related to Scope 3 metrics – indirect emissions that occur in the activities of an organisation (including business travel, commuting, purchased goods and waste disposal).
The most frequent reason for restatements related to a change in method or measurement approach (44%), which is an acceptable practice for GHGs under the GHG protocol, whilst the second most frequent reason was the correction of errors (29%).
Steve Farrell, partner and head of sustainability assurance at Deloitte, said: “From greenhouse gas emissions to food waste, workforce diversity to pay gaps – companies must increasingly report metrics beyond their financial information and, crucially, those figures must be trusted by investors, employees and other users of this information.
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Deloitte LLP is a subsidiary of Deloitte NSE LLP, which is a member firm of DTTL, and is among the UK's leading professional services firms.
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