Deloitte has created almost 150 apprenticeships at its Cardiff Delivery Centre, developed and delivered in partnership with Cardiff and Vale College. The firm is celebrating Apprenticeship Week with another round of recruitment for its apprenticeships in Wales and is looking to recruit 21 apprentices for its September intake.
With over 1,500 people, the delivery centre offers an extensive range of research and other services for clients. The centre is home to teams focused on business administration, project management, analytical and research-type activities, as well as several more specialised services, including IT and risk management.
The range of roles, skills and the scale of activity at the Cardiff centre has resulted in more opportunities outside of traditional accountancy or consultancy type roles for many people who would not previously have considered a career within professional services.
The apprentices typically spend 80% of their time at work and 20% on the academic aspects. As with all apprenticeships, the apprentices earn while they learn and will be offered a permanent role on successful completion of the relevant qualification. For the entry level Business Administration
Apprenticeship, this is a one-year City and Guilds Level 3 qualification. The higher apprenticeship in IT, Software, Web & Telecoms – a recent addition to the apprenticeships offered by Deloitte in Wales – lasts two years resulting in a City and Guilds Level 4 qualification.
Ross Flanigan, managing director, Deloitte’s Cardiff Delivery Centre, said:
“Our Cardiff apprenticeship programme combines on-the-job training with study towards industry standard qualifications, providing a fantastic way for young people, or people changing careers, to get a head start in an influential and meaningful professional career.
“We’ve been collaborating with Cardiff and Vale College since we launched the programme in 2015 and recently added business administration and the apprenticeship in IT as more entry paths into our business. Our investment in apprenticeships and partnership with the college reinforce our commitment as a firm to the continued development of talent in the region.”
Mike James, chief executive of the Cardiff and Vale College Group, said:
“We welcome this excellent initiative from Deloitte. As one of the largest providers of apprenticeships in the country, the CAVC Group recognises the importance of apprentices and work-based learners to the economy and the instant value they add to employers. The Level 3 Business Administration apprenticeship programme we run in partnership with Deloitte has been a resounding success.”
Mr Flanigan was awarded an honorary fellowship by Cardiff and Vale College in October 2022 in recognition of his commitment to breaking down barriers to employment and the future of talent within the financial and professional services sector.Recruitment has now started for Deloitte’s next cohort of apprentices who will join the firm’s delivery centre in Cardiff in September 2023; roles can be found on the Careers Wales Apprenticeship site.
In this press release references to “Deloitte” are references to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”) a UK private company limited by guarantee, and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see for a detailed description of the legal structure of DTTL and its member firms.
Deloitte LLP is a subsidiary of Deloitte NSE LLP, which is a member firm of DTTL, and is among the UK's leading professional services firms.
The information contained in this press release is correct at the time of going to press.
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