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James Phillips


James has been working in international tax for more than 15 years. He started his career in practice in the UK before moving to France, spending a total of seven years in practice initially.

He then spent a further seven years in several different senior tax, treasury and transfer pricing roles in France, Switzerland and the UK before joining Deloitte in 2018. Whilst in industry he worked in the oil and gas, pharmaceuticals and telecoms industries, with a particular emphasis in the latter part of his time in industry on interactions between transfer pricing, withholding tax and indirect taxes.

He specialises in bringing his industry and in-house experience to clients with a particular focus on successfully, and pragmatically, implementing transfer pricing policies including through the appropriate use of IT solutions.

He has been invited to speak multiple times at the OECD in relation to various aspects of the BEPS project, notably in relation to Actions 8-10 and 4.