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Meet the Major Programmes team

Nikki Olomo

Nikki’s mother and daughter are her biggest sources of inspiration.

“My childhood has inspired me to make an impact through my work. My mum did quite a lot of volunteering and I followed in her footsteps when I began to volunteer with younger children as a student. Having a child of my own really encouraged me to try and help younger generations in any way I can, whether this be in my own time or by prioritising meaningful work. My daughter has a major influence on my career; I strive to be the best I can be as I know she looks to me as a role model.”

Nikki joined Deloitte’s Major Programmes team to make an impact and to deliver purpose in all aspects of her life.

“Previous life and career experiences, such as volunteering at a breakfast club for the homeless as a university student, have encouraged me to seek more purpose in my role. My career highlight has been securing a role in Deloitte’s Major Programmes team and getting the opportunity to work on such significant and impactful transformation programmes.”

“Through my role at Deloitte, I have been given the opportunity to deliver personal branding sessions for secondary school students. I’m particularly proud of the impact delivered on this project - we got to know them as individuals and gained an insight into their backgrounds and lived experiences. This was a valuable opportunity to set the next generation up for success, building and nurturing their personal brands and supporting them with guidance from my personal experiences.”

"I would like to be part of a society premised on equality of access: where everyone can achieve the things that they set out to do, regardless of background or upbringing."

Nikki’s energy comes from her commitment to the work she does, and the colleagues that surround her in the Major Programmes team. “I find my energy from the diversity of exciting projects I work on, as well as the vast array of talented and knowledgeable professionals I get to interact and work with on a day-to-day basis. I’m also motivated by the opportunities for knowledge sharing across Major Programmes – I know that my approach and thinking on one engagement will be highly valuable in shaping future transformations.”

Nikki would most like to change society by creating a fairer and more equitable culture, in which people have equal opportunities and access to tools for success.

“I would like to be part of a society premised on equality of access: where everyone can achieve the things that they set out to do, regardless of background or upbringing. I would like to be involved in creating more diverse and inclusive cultures, both within and beyond Deloitte, through the delivery of major cultural transformations.”

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Major Programmes that deliver for people