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Meet the Major Programmes team

Mike Myint

Mike’s interest in digital and technology has grown tremendously over his lifetime.

“I grew up in Yangon, the former capital city of Myanmar in South East Asia, and moved to the United States with my family in the mid-90s. This move piqued my interest in technology and gave me an opportunity to get into computer programming and cybersecurity.”

Since he was young, Mike has been influenced by innovative and “status-quo challenging” tech entrepreneurs; the likes of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. His great uncle, who has led the diplomatic mission representing Myanmar through 1996-2001, has also been a huge source of inspiration.

“They have been influential in shaping my thinking to be bigger, bolder, and more daring; to think of the impact that we could deliver through major programmes if we have no predefined limitations and focus only on the outcomes.”

Mike passion for digital permeates throughout many areas of his life – even public speaking doesn’t hold him back!

“A highlight of my career was delivering a speech, “Digital Transformation is all about the People”, at TEDxYangon in 2020. This is a topic I’m hugely passionate about, and I’m already relishing the opportunity to bring a human-centred approach to some of the UK’s most complex digital transformations.”

Mike joined Major Programmes’ Digital Catalyst team in April 2022. He’s motivated by the team’s purpose - to tackle the most challenging and complex problems our society faces today.

“I’m a strong believer that large scale change can be delivered successfully through adoption of a digital mindset and am a proud facilitator of training on how to realise this. I’m also excited by the significant impact we are delivering through Major Programmes, in particular, the impact of renewable energy and sustainability transformation. A programme I’m particularly proud of allowed my team to explore the use of hydrogen for heating.”

Mike is a firm believer in collaboration and sharing knowledge, and Deloitte promotes just that.

“I’m a strong believer that large scale change can be delivered successfully through adoption of a digital mindset."

“I’m surrounded by energetic and creative colleagues who are committed to solve challenging problems in an innovative way. Seeing the Major Programmes team care so genuinely about the impact we’re making keeps me motivated; I'm confident I can ask for help if I’m in need and I’m also there to help others – it’s a symbiotic relationship.”

Delivering on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals is a key driver for Mike.

“The future society I’d like to be part of is one that holds the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals at its core. There’s huge potential for emerging digital technologies to support decision making in the sustainability space, catalysing the Net Zero transition by simulating potential impacts and outcomes. To ensure the programmes we’re delivering today are long lasting, all major programmes practitioners should take an empathetic and sustainability-focussed approach to work.”

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