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People Series - Sophie Ward-Corderoy gives her thoughts on her Deloitte secondment in Australia

How did you go about arranging your secondment?

I always knew I wanted to work abroad but due to COVID, my plans were put on hold. After speaking to a team member about their experience having completed a secondment in Canada, it reconfirmed that it was something wanted to pursue.

Once travel restrictions started to lift, I spoke to the Partner group in my team to ask whether they would be willing to support an international secondment. The response was very positive and I was encouraged to look for opportunities. Using the team’s global network, I was able to connect with people from across the business to hear about their international experiences. I also started exploring the Deloitte internal global mobility website and it opened my eyes to the breadth of opportunities on offer.

After realising how aligned the UK and Australian real estate team offerings are, I got in touch with a Partner in Brisbane to find out more. From there, the global mobility teams in both countries were able to sort the logistics on my behalf.

What will you miss most about O&CP?

I have met some great people over the years from a variety of backgrounds. Building strong relationships at work has been fundamental for my professional development and I have created friendships outside of the workplace that I know will last for years to come. I look forward to keeping in touch with the team through the next chapter of my career!

What are you most looking forward to about your move?

I am excited to take on a new challenge, both personally and professionally. I have never lived abroad so moving from London to a smaller city with beaches, rainforests and mountains on my doorstep will be very different!

Working as part of a smaller team within a different real estate market will give me a new perspective. I am looking forward to taking the knowledge I have built in London across the water and applying it to a new set of client challenges!