Business rates on commercial property are likely to be a significant outgoing, impacting on your bottom line costs. It is essential that qualified professional advice is sought from an early stage to mitigate your business rates liability.
A well planned and executed business rates strategy will lead to liabilities that are more realistic from the outset and may do away with lengthy appeal procedures at a later date. The Deloitte business rates team is well versed in all areas of rating advice and can help you address complex issues and ultimately reduce your business rate costs.
Rating Revaluation 2017 - Draft Rating List Figures will be released on 30th September 2016
Contact a member of the Rating Team to find out your new 2017 Rateable Value.
Business rates expert Gerry Biddle to join Deloitte Real Estate
Gerry Biddle, head of business rates at Deloitte Real Estate, comments on the following factors raised in the 2016 UK Budget: