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Clusters of trusted partnerships have accelerated innovation

Predicting the future of healthcare and life sciences in 2025

Welcome to the tenth in our series of Life Sciences and Healthcare predictions 2025.

Prediction for 2025.

Multiple types of trusted partnerships between industry, academia and providers, with shared views on value exchange, are a central feature of successful health clusters. These are backed by a creative and reputable financial services sector and government initiatives, creating optimal conditions for the development of new business models and delivering savings across the health ecosystem. Clusters accelerate the pace digital transformation. New standards for data sharing, analysis and transparency have emerged, improving trust, driving efficiencies, expanding access and reducing costs.



The world in 2025

  • Trusted collaborations. Stakeholders recognise the importance of investing in and nurturing a high degree of trust within/between clusters, as well as across different types of partnerships.
  • Strong R&D partnerships. Product developers have formed strong research partnerships with leading universities and tap into patient/HCP groups: informing research, evaluating outcomes and providing customer feedback on product/service effectiveness.
  • New use of technology. Healthcare providers partner with MedTech and telecom companies to apply the low latency of 5G/edge computing in areas like critical care on demand and remote robotic surgery.


Conquered constraints in 2025

  • Skills and talent. Sustainable, trusted partnerships are based on shared mind sets and collaboration skills. Partner organisations have clear strategies to manage conflicts of interest, and leaders have the digital/technical skills required to understand business needs and ‘speak data science’ to experts.
  • Funding.National and local governments have established favourable economic environments to drive investment in life sciences R&D. A systematic approach to funding based on public-private partnerships and venture funding encourage innovation at scale.
  • Regulations. The use of RWD and aligned objectives help industry comply with regulatory legislation and respond in a coordinated and timely way. Greater alignment of regulators at a national and international level provides a framework to optimise commercial objectives and patient outcome.
  • Data and interoperability. Data is the currency on which VBHC partnerships are designed and executed, and patients willingly share health data as part of a value exchange. There’s a consensus among partners on the use of HL7 interoperability standards and a framework enabling shared access to high quality RWE.



A snapshot of collaborative working in 2025: How an innovative alliance between clusters is building a secure research platform


A leading healthcare cluster in Western Europe formed an ‘alliance’ with a cluster in the Nordic countries, to combine their research and innovation capabilities and drive progress in the search for rare-disease treatments. Each cluster comprises a leading university, several teaching hospitals, a Research Biobank and National Disease Registries.

The IT and digital infrastructure for the project, based on open interoperability standards, is provided by a large tech company and a leading AI drug discovery company.

The alliance is transparent about its use of patient data and the role of each partner organisation, helping to build and maintain public trust. Using a secure cloud based research platform to combine datasets, within 12 months the alliance achieved its first objective of moving drug candidates for two potential treatments into a Phase I trial.

Evidence in 2020

  • Big tech partnerships. Google’s Verily teamed up with Novartis, Otsuka, Pfizer and Sanofi to improve patient recruitment and retention, and speed up clinical trials. Using Verily’s AI powered research tools (e.g. wearable devices and sensors, EHRs, biometrics and patient reported data) they plan to launch studies in therapeutic areas like cardiovascular disease, dermatology, diabetes, mental health and oncology.
  • The Corona Accelerated R&D in Europe (CARE) public-private partnership. CARE is dedicated to discovering and developing treatment options for COVID-19 and new coronavirus threats. It brings together expertise/projects from 37 academic and non-profit research institutions and pharma companies to form a comprehensive drug discovery engine. Exscientia, an AI for drug discovery company, is leading the small molecule drug design activities.

How COVID-19 has accelerated this prediction

Deloitte’s view

The national and international collaboration triggered by the pandemic has been unprecedented. Public private partnerships between regulators, governments, HCPs, life sciences and tech/consumer health businesses have brought stakeholders together to tackle COVID-19, improve population health, and help economies survive and thrive.
These collaborations quickly refocused efforts and resources to support clinical trials, test new equipment and develop new test, track and trace systems. They also developed innovative digital/virtual care solutions so HCPs could work differently. These collaborations are also helping to tackle the challenges in the medical equipment supply chain (e.g. the manufacture, transportation and distribution of testing kits, PPE and ventilators). Established life sciences clusters were well positioned to face up to the challenge and drive global excellence.

How COVAX is building and upscaling vaccine manufacturing and supply capabilities to provide equitable access

At the start of November 2020, 10 candidates had reached the last phase of clinical development prior to obtaining regulatory approval. The challenge now is how to distribute vaccines worldwide. The WHO (together with Gavi and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) launched the COVAX initiative to help build and upscale vaccine manufacturing/supply capabilities to offer countries equitable access to two billion doses by the end of 2021.

Explore more

Our series of ten predictions for the life sciences and healthcare industry looks ahead to the year 2025 to help you see what’s coming and to keep your organisation moving forward.

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