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Webinar series: Effective Electronic Patient Record Implementations

Driving success through a holistic implementation approach

The Effective Electronic Patient Record (EPR) Implementations webinar series, which was run from February - September 2021, showcased effective EPR implementation methods, with experienced individuals outlining how to maximise value from this major digital transformation opportunity through a holistic implementation approach.

The webinar series focused on the whole EPR implementation lifecycle over seven one-hour webinars. Taken together, they provide an excellent insight into the EPR implementation lifecycle and provide a firm footing from which to progress your journey.

The focus of this webinar is on the successful start up and overview of your EPR journey, referencing a set of critical success factors based on our practice experience over many years.

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In this webinar, our panel of Workflow design Subject Matter Experts will explore the importance of workflow design, and share key strategies and best practice approaches that will help you draw the maximum value from your EPR implementation.

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This webinar will build on learnings from previous sessions by focusing on Organisational Change Management, in which our panel of experts will explore the importance of investing in the human behaviour change associated with EPR transformations throughout the lifecycle of an implementation. Our speakers will share key tactics and best practice approaches to enable you to drive successful and sustainable adoption of new operational workflows, policies, and technology while minimising disruption to patient care delivery.

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Testing is a chapter of your EPR implementation in which you as a healthcare organisation will assume much responsibility. This webinar will look at the best practices on testing third party systems that link into your EPR and that the end-to-end workflows you have designed function effectively.

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Successful integration is key in ensuring the third party systems function effectively and safely with accurate information flows. Our experts will walk through key strategies on how to approach and manage the integration of the many applications that plug into your EPR. We will also explore best practice methods to harnessing significant volumes of data to produce high quality reporting and analytics for your Trust.

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This webinar takes us to the phase after your organisation has gone live with your new EPR. We will discuss planning the sustainability of your operations using the EPR and how to maximise value from it as part of the optimisation phase using application and technology managed services.

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In this webinar we will take a deep dive into System-to-System Integration; achieving effective interoperability with external entities and integrating seamlessly with the vast network of healthcare organisations to ultimately drive operational efficiency and optimise patient care on a large scale.

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