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Social value: improving lives together

Measurable impact for our society, people, and planet

Together we face huge societal and environmental challenges

The introduction of the UK Government’s Social Value Model is transforming how value is delivered through public sector contracts. There is now a requirement for all central Government tenders, and some local government tenders, to be scored on the social value commitments made by bidders for the contracts as part of the award decision.

Strategic suppliers must evidence how they are delivering on the social value commitments they make.

Delivering impact


Our Purpose is to make an impact that matters, for our clients, our people and society.

As a Strategic Supplier to government, we support the introduction of the Social Value Model and see this as an opportunity to further embed societal impact into the core of our business: our client work.

While we are passionate about the great impact that we make, we also believe that we can achieve more when we work together.


How we deliver social value


We ingrain social value into the ethos of each engagement and collaborate with our clients to create an inclusive and impact-focused culture.

Joining Forces
We work hand-in-hand with our 5 Million Futures charity and social enterprise partners to deliver volunteering, pro bono and skills-based products and services, to join forces and deliver positive outcomes.

We engage with SMEs to deliver work with us, and we support and maintain sustainable supply chain best practices.

We bring the best of our expertise and talent – staffing engagements locally where possible – as well as our assets, networks, relationships and alliances.

We integrate social value into the delivery of our client services, finding opportunities to accelerate our Purpose agenda and the positive impact we have.

We harness our flagship programmes, such as WorldClimate, WorldClass and our apprentice programme BrightStarts, as well as our people related policies like Deloitte Works, to deepen our focus on inclusion and wellbeing.

Measuring Impact


Measuring our impact is key to ensuring we are driving positive outcomes. It also helps us identify where we can do more.

We contribute to society across a range of measures. Through our 5 Million Futures social impact strategy, we aim to help 5 million people get to where they want to be through access to education, employment and skills:

Through our global strategy, WorldClimate, we are committed to becoming net zero by 2030 for all of our operations, and to disclosing progress through our performance metrics.

More information on our impact can be found in our 2021 Annual Report.

Client and partner stories


How we are working with our clients and partners to deliver social value through our projects, programmes and partnerships.

Delivering eye in the sky medical supplies. Learn more.

Supporting school leadership. Learn more.

"Pride means being unabashedly who you are". Learn more.

Put your mind to it. Learn more.

What a difference a month makes: Futures Month. Learn more.

The big catch-up in education. Learn more.

Supporting social mobility. Learn more.

Earthshot: Uniting for the earth. Learn more.

Making booking a tennis court as simple as ordering a takeaway. Learn more.

Digital skills training for people with learning difficulties and autism. Learn more.

What kind of leader do you want to be?. Learn more.

Taking action through WorldClimate. Learn more.

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