The recent Mansion House package, a substantial list of announcements, consultations, and other publications, sets out what the Government and the regulators have in store for FS and how they should be regulated in a way that promotes UK growth and competitiveness.
This analysis, encompassing both the Mansion House package and other major initiatives since the Government took office, examines emerging themes, unanswered questions, and the path ahead for the FS regulatory agenda. We explore both cross-cutting and sector-specific initiatives.
The table in the Annex summarises the FS regulatory initiatives announced at Mansion House and key next milestones.
The extensive package of reforms will require significant industry input and engagement to shape the final outputs. The Government and regulators are in listening mode. The renewed emphasis on growth and competitiveness opens the door for industry to suggest FS policy amendments to promote economic growth.
We would like to acknowledge the contributions of all members of the Deloitte EMEA Centre for Regulatory Strategy in analysing the Mansion House package and contributing to this analysis
Cross-cutting initiatives
Sector-specific initiatives
1 DP23/2: Updating and improving the UK regime for asset management