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The net zero workforce

Prepare for the Future of Work

The Future of Work and the Future of Energy

Energy companies still need a highly skilled, experienced workforce to maximise their current assets, maintain safety and continue improvements vital for ageing infrastructure. But they’ll also need to understand which skills are core and which capabilities can be transferred to support their low-carbon business models. This four-part series looks at how companies across the energy value chain can successfully transition their workforce to achieve their net zero goals.

The net zero workforce series

Oil, gas & chemicals

The challenge for energy companies today is how to effectively build the net zero workforce, reinventing current business models and operations to support our net zero future.

Power, utilities & renewables

Rebuilding and expanding our energy infrastructure will be costly and complex. Businesses that re-energise their strategies to fit for net zero will reap the benefits.

Mining & Metals

The shift to a low-carbon future will be significantly mineral intensive. How can mining companies move towards a net zero workforce to maximise opportunities in the energy transition?

Industrial products

How can manufacturing companies improve their workforce approach and skills agendas to maximise opportunities in the energy transition?

The future of energy

Towards net zero, together

Future of energy blog