What is the UKCS collaboration survey 2020?
The oil and gas industry has had an extraordinarily challenging year. The ability for suppliers and operators to support one another has been crucial. In this sixth edition of the report, produced in partnership with OGUK, we examine the impact of COVID-19 on collaborative relationships, gain an understanding of the key drivers behind collaboration and what the benefits are. In addition, we explore the adherence to OGUK’s Supply Chain Principles, internal collaboration and energy transition.
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The UKCS upstream supply chain collaboration survey 2019
From strategy to action – overcoming barriers to change
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The UKCS Upstream Supply Chain Collaboration Survey 2018
Collaboration at a crossroads – Which way next?
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The UKCS Upstream Supply Chain Collaboration Survey 2017
Real progress – now let’s go faster!
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The UKCS Upstream Supply Chain Collaboration Survey 2016
The time for radical change is now
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The UKCS Upstream Supply Chain Collaboration Survey 2015
The oil and gas fiscal framework: Is it fit for purpose?
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What is the UKCS collaboration survey 2020?
Insight Leader Netti Farkas-Mills discusses what the UKCS collaboration survey 2020 is, and the key themes in this year’s report.
How will collaboration change as the oil and gas sector moves towards energy transition?
Our UKCS Collaboration survey 2020 explores how collaboration will change as the oil and gas sector moves towards energy transition. Graham Hollis, Deloitte UK Managing Partner for Aberdeen, provides his insights.
What words describe the findings of this year’s UKCS collaboration survey?How does our Insight Leader Netti Farkas-Mills describe the findings of the UKCS Collaboration survey 2020?
What is collaboration? UKCS collaboration survey 2020
Collaboration in the oil and gas industry is often talked about, but what does it really mean? Graham Hollis, Deloitte UK Managing Partner for Aberdeen provides his insights on collaboration in the UKCS collaboration survey 2020.