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Energy scenarios in focus

Planning amidst an uncertain future for the energy industry

Energy is the pulse of our day-to-day life and how we create and use it is changing rapidly. What the future will look like is not certain, but what is clear is that we’re well on our way to a new energy future.

Scenario planning


Imagine the possibilities—a world where energy is sustainable and abundant. Deloitte has invested in developing a perspective on scenarios for the Future of Energy that will allow us to connect for a new energy future, where we’re all in it together, with a common purpose, and each with a clear role to create our new energy world.

Deloitte’s Future of Energy Scenario Planning toolset, which focuses on today through 2035, involves an extensively researched set of data-driven, reality-based insights that can help businesses place intelligent, informed bets on the future of energy. It’s not about absolutes. It’s about being absolutely prepared for the most likely outcomes—especially in the short term.

A novel approach to scenario planning


These four plausible and divergent energy scenarios represent guideposts that can help enterprise leaders make decisions and take action in the short term—in a flexible way, and in a way that allows their organisations to earn, to learn, and to influence their environments as the future unfolds. No single scenario is going to fully materialise for the future of energy overall. The scenarios are not clear-cut predictions. Rather, they are hypotheses in the form of data-driven stories about tomorrow—to help drive better decisions today.

Four scenarios


These four plausible and divergent energy scenarios represent guideposts that can help enterprise leaders make decisions and take action in the short term—in a flexible way, and in a way that allows their organisations to earn, to learn, and to influence their environments as the future unfolds.

Where uncertainties and scenarios meet—and play out


The future of energy will have many moving pieces: consumer behavior, innovation, global relations, and action on climate change, to name only a few of the areas of uncertainty. For each of these uncertainties, the impact will play out differently in each energy scenario. It’s important to remember that each scenario is meaningfully different from the others and that across all four of them, the potential for dramatically variable outcomes can be seen.

The chart below can help you visualise how various uncertainties, if they become realities, relate to each scenario.

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