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The 2023 UK Offshore Energy Data & Digital Maturity Survey

The latest trends in data and digital maturity for the UK offshore energy sector

The 2023 Offshore Energy Digital & Data Maturity Survey report aims to deepen understanding of how organisations are applying data and digital technologies to help transform the UK energy system to achieve net zero targets. More than 30 oil, gas and renewable operator companies contributed to the survey with input also provided by technology developers and supply chain companies supporting diverse offshore energies.

In 2023, Deloitte supported the Offshore Energy Digital Strategy Group (OEDSG) in developing a new survey, exploring the maturity in the UK Offshore Energy sector, building on the findings of a baseline study conducted in 2020 (Link to previous survey). The 2023 survey reflects the growing energy mix in the region, with insights from renewable providers as well as oil and gas and supply chain partners.

The survey aimed to identify changes since the 2020 survey and identify further insights to support OEDSG digital and data initiatives. The OEDSG comprises of Offshore Energies UK (OEUK), Opportunity North East (ONE), Net Zero Technology Centre (NZTC), Technology Leadership Board (TLB), North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA), The Crown Estate and Crown Estate Scotland.

Survey findings and insights

Findings from 2023 data reveal progress in the pace and integration of digitalisation with organisations recording an 8 per cent improvement across key metrics relating to strategy, leadership, training and capabilities. In comparison, the survey identifies a lag in data maturity which suggests more companies need to focus attention on developing data strategies if they are to capitalise on the opportunities ahead. There are, however, signs that companies are increasingly adopting a wider range of digital technology and data indicating this situation will improve in the future.

Feedback highlighted how increasing collaboration and coordination could enable organisations to unlock the full potential of data and digital technologies, enabling them to play a key role in accelerating the shift to cleaner energy production. It cites evidence of progress with organisations adopting data-related technologies including cloud platforms, data mesh, and data visualisation tools that are enabling greater levels of collaboration.

With people and skills playing an integral role in the energy transition, the survey highlighted the lack of access to digital and data skills as a key risk to the delivery of digital and data strategies. Challenges relate to both the upskilling of the existing workforce and recruiting new personnel into key roles across the sectors, with calls for organisations to step up initiatives to equip their staff with the necessary knowledge and training.

Using the survey to share insights on trends and challenges, the OEDSG recommends actions for individual organisations and industry and government bodies that will help drive forward the energy transition and these include:

  • Increasing efforts to improve digital maturity, with a focus on smaller organisations, equally across wind, oil, and gas.
  • Strengthening collaboration between parties including between operators in every energy sector, between operators and the supply chain and between energy sectors to drive effective cross-industry digitalisation.
  • Fostering a culture in which leaders encourage staff to adopt data-driven work practices and equip employees with the necessary skills and knowledge.

Daniel Brown, OEUK’s Head of Data & Digital said:

"Data and digital technologies play a key role in driving greater collaboration and efficiency across the UK energy sector. This survey provides invaluable insight of how and where we can work together to shape and accelerate our digital efforts in support of delivering net zero."

How We Helped

Collaborating with the member organisations of the OEDSG, Deloitte carried out a series of workshops, combining the questions and results from the 2020 survey and the latest initiatives and objectives to identify what data would be required from the survey and in what format.

Leveraging a digital survey platform, responses from 40 parties across the industry were analysed, supported with insights from follow up interviews. Data analysis through Tableau provided deeper insights and identified trends across several properties and characteristics.

Working with the OEDSG, the report was developed, highlighting key trends and issues and stating recommended actions for both individual organistaions and industry bodies to support the futher development of data and digital maturity.

The report findings were delivered by Deloitte in an OEUK webinar which can be seen here (Offshore Energy Data & Digital Maturity Survey 2023 - Launch Meeting - OEUK on Vimeo )

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