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Setting up a low-code Center of Excellence

Preparing your organization for digital acceleration

The role of technology is changing. Focus on excellent delivery and management of applications and infrastructures in themselves is no longer sufficient. To be able to cope with disruption as an organization, you have to be in full control of your application lifecycles, from ideation to development to maintenance. A low-code Center of Excellence (CoE) drives agility, scalability, maintainability and quality to allow you to stay ahead of the digital game.

One way organizational success is achieved is by rising above required change caused by disruption, such as a pandemic or market competition. To deliver groundbreaking solutions and to stay ahead of the game, it is important that an entire organization is aligned around a common purpose. Combine this with the benefits and possibilities a low-code platform has to offer, a Center of Excellence (CoE) allows you to create more consistent and efficient digital solutions within your organization.

Purpose of a low-code CoE


Deloitte is focused on low-code since the early days. With our strong experience across all industries, we are the ultimate partner to help you define and realize your digital ambitions by setting up a low-code CoE, standardizing business functions, processes, applications and data. Ensuring your low-code platform is scalable and maintainable and can cope with disruption, aligned with your organization’s digital ambitions.
And while the increased consistency and efficiency is an important goal of a CoE, its main purpose is to drive innovation, allow for experimenting and driving each other towards excellence and success.

Pillars of responsibility


To successfully drive innovation there are five pillars that describe the core responsibilities of a CoE, and are key to its success. These pillars are governance, support, guidance, learning and measurement. From guiding the business to invest in the most valuable projects, to creating economies of scale for the digitization of services, to measuring and demonstrating their expected value, the CoE will play an important role in identifying and driving business value and success. Furthermore the CoE is focused on building on top of the benefits of a low-code platform by driving and enforcing standards and methodologies, and for example the creation of reusable components to further accelerate delivery. And last but not least drives availability and creation of (internal) expertise and capacity to match your organization’s needs and ambitions.

Co-creation to drive business success


Another important aspect to drive business success is co-creation. A CoE prevents working in silos, and promotes sharing of skills and knowledge between departments and teams. By creating an environment in which experimenting and challenging each other is the norm, optimizations and innovations will be the result.
And because digital transformation has a prominent place on the agenda of many organizations, it is expected that the need for solutions to quickly respond to disruption will continue to grow and therefore will require co-creation to be able to deliver innovative cross-departmental solutions to successfully respond in-time.

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