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Susanne de Nooijer

Partner | Tax

I am an accomplished VAT and Tax Automation professional, with strong analytical skills and a hands-on mentality. After graduating with a Master in Law, specialising in Indirect Tax at Leiden University in 1996, I started my VAT-career as an Advisor at one of the big consultancy firms. In 2000 I joined the world’s leading provider of network hardware and software. For a number of years I was responsible for VAT within a complex international operating organization, both within Europe and beyond.

I became a pioneer in the area of ‘tax automation’ with one of Thomson Reuters OneSource Indirect Tax Determination (formerly known as Sabrix) first major roll-outs in Europe. With my 15+ years of experience, of which 8+ are in tax automation, I was profound and in-depth knowledge of VAT, Tax Engines, Oracle and SAP, thus making me indispensable on any tax automation project.

I am currently a Partner at Deloitte.