What is notable about family businesses is survival rate from generation to generation. The transition from one generation to the next can often be one of the most problematic and least planned-for events within a family business.
At the heart of every family business one normally encounters a strong and passionate individual who is intrinsic to its success. Such individuals can be reluctant to pass control to a successor, or deny there is a need to change, and many stay beyond a time that is reasonable given the options available to them.
Furthermore, it can be alarming to find that a founding or current owner could pass away, or become unable to act in their current capacity, without providing some form of legal mechanism document or succession plan regarding their wishes, the transfer of their business.
Succession planning is critical to all companies, and the companies that succeed and prosper through the generations are those that have put the business first and embraced change brought about by economic, technological and environment shifts. A succession plan can address the who and the how. However, the when is often the unknown, although consideration and agreement of “trigger events” is worthwhile.
Self-interest, different interest, inability to differentiate between ownership and management, weak leadership, lack of governance, poor communication and management skills, resistance to or inability to cope with change, family tensions, an unwillingness to open doors to non-family members are all common features of family businesses that fail the transition. An effective succession and transition plan can address these.
Business objectivity, being able to stand back and take stock, is key to survival. The decisions made as a business owner may differ significantly from the decisions that one would be made if the family considerations were given priority over the business’ needs.
Plans, mechanisms and frameworks that are understood and agreed upon enable a smooth succession process; one that is not damaging to either the departing family leader or the incoming successor.
Whilst gentle disengagement of an owner may be hard to achieve, there is no reason why a phased departure cannot be implemented, with the business benefiting from their wisdom and experience whilst at the same time allowing an invigorating wind of change to blow.
Whilst gentle disengagement of an owner may be hard to achieve, there is no reason why a phased departure cannot be implemented, with the business benefiting from their wisdom and experience whilst at the same time allowing an invigorating wind of change to blow
Family and owner managed businesses are often founded on strong relationships and what in the due course of time become gentlemen’s agreements and family traditions. Structures and mechanisms of authority tend to evolve by experience or default rather than design. However, there often comes a point where neither tradition nor experience will be sufficient.
Family businesses in the early stages of establishment require significantly less complex planning structures and frameworks than those that have been running for a number of years and are already employing a number of family members. Business growth and development gives rise to a need for a more structured corporate governance framework. Proactively addressing the conversion of tradition and experience into a structured corporate governance framework, should pay dividends rather than being forced into dealing with governance structures in the midst of a significant business event.
For a family business, a primary concern is that any initiatives or framework are not implemented at the detriment to the business continuing to operate in the spirit it has done to date, and any professional advisor needs to be sympathetic to this.
Whilst the need for more robust corporate governance is often recognised, the value derived from family governance remains relatively unrecognised as an essential element in governing the family and its interaction with the business.
As one generation transitions to the next generation, with the addition and inclusion of spouses, children, in-laws and grandchildren, bringing different viewpoints and experiences, the relationship between the family and the business becomes more of a challenge to manage.
Recognizing these challenges and establishing some form of family council helps to counter and address these challenges. This gives family members an opportunity to meet and discuss the current and future state of the family business. They can establish policies or strategies on matters affecting the family and their shared vision can be jointly represented.
The benefits of establishing a family council could include improved business performance through better management of family relationships needs and expectations, by fostering enhanced trust and communication.
Family businesses make a significant contribution to any economic, social, industrial and cultural infrastructure and their survival is paramount.
Family businesses make a significant contribution to any economic, social, industrial and cultural infrastructure and their survival is paramount
Deloitte Malta can assist in providing additional information in connection with succession planning and family business matters. Topics you may be interested to hear about:
Also in this series: Business succession planning