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The 2024 Chief Legal Officer (CLO) Strategy Survey

Transformation, challenges, communication and collaboration

The chief legal officer’s roles and responsibilities have expanded beyond determining legal department strategy and providing legal Services to the business. See how CLOs are now collaborating with their C-suite colleagues to help solve more complex business challenges.

about the Survey

In our 2024 CLO Strategy Survey, we Ask 460 legal executives about various enterprise-wide and legal function-specific Topics including transformation, trust, Generative AI, understanding the work and priorities of the legal function and how that work is accomplished. Respondents were grouped into four geographical clusters: Australia, Canada, the United States and Europe (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom) to better understand where legal functions around the world are aligned—and where they are not. 


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of CLOs believe Generative AI (GenAI) has the potential to bring value to their organisations in the next 12 months. 45% of CLOs believe the C-suite is aligned on the mission, vision and strategy for GenAI initiatives


 of CLOs expect the use of technology tools to increase in the next 12 months


of CLOs report legal function workloads have increased over the past 12 months. 80% of CLOs also expect the legal function budget to increase in the next fiscal year


Legal functions report cybersecurity is expected to be the subject area that increases the most in importance over the next 12 months

The 2024 CLO Strategy Survey

Transformation, challenges, communication and collaboration