EMIR and the upcoming trade reporting regulations are seen as catalysts for re-engineering the regulatory reporting processes. Indeed, these pre- and post-trade reporting requirements will be embedded in day-to-day operations. They will need to be properly supported by an efficient, reliable and scalable reporting architecture and IT infrastructure.
The design of the regulatory trade reporting model should not be organized as a set of different reporting interfaces built around each regulation. It should be designed around your trade value and post-trade chain, extracting the data from spread systems and centrally consolidating it.
If you are looking for a smooth and efficient setup to ensure compliance with various reporting obligations than you might want to have the assistance in:
- Identification of regulatory reporting obligations (EMIR, REMIT, MiFIR, SFTR)
- Definition of reporting obligation strategy to maximize synergies of mutualisation of reporting obligations
- Identification of the required data sources and relevant pieces of information
- Integration of data flows into Deloitte Transaction Reporting Solutions to ensure a single point of data transfer