Current legislation imposes many compliance requirements on Companies and its officers. Continuous new legislation, be it Irish or European, may alter these requirements and therefore it is essential to keep up-to-date. Our team is constantly reviewing new legislation and assessing its impact.
Good corporate governance procedures are now essential for all publicly quoted companies. It is essential that appropriate companies have corporate governance procedures in place to meet the requirements of the Combined Code on Corporate Governance published by the Financial Reporting Council and the continuing requirements of the Irish and UK stock exchanges. Our Company secretarial and legal department can assist clients in the following areas:
Our team is happy to review your current compliance status through our corporate health check. The corporate health check will identify areas in which your company is both performing well and less than satisfactorily in and devise a plan for addressing same.
Our team has extensive experience in carrying out various due diligence exercises on a range of companies to identify areas in which companies are not complying with the numerous statutory requirements and devising ways to address the same.
Our team can asssit in outlining and explaining the various duties and responsibilities that fall on the officers of a company, as well as providing information and commentary on any proposed legislative changes to same.