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Specialist transaction advice

Incorporating companies

Our team incorporate companies to suit our client’s needs. We can advise on the appropriate type of company e.g. a private limited company, a single member private company, a designated activity company, an unlimited company, a designated activity company, a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital or a public limited company, as the case may be.

How we can help

We can advise on the proposed name and will check it's availability, the objects clause and a suitable capital for the company, as well as an appropriate form of constitution to govern the company. We subscribe to the Fe Phrainn scheme operated by the Companies Registration Office, which facilitates the faster incorporation of a private limited company, usually within ten working days after the documentation has been filed in the Companies Office. Following incorporation, we will arrange for the statutory Registers to be written up, a company seal obtained and if appropriate, for the necessary share certificates to be issued.

Our team can provide the following services

Irish Company Secretaries group


We are pleased to host the Irish Companies Secretaries group. The Irish Company Secretaries Group is a membership group for any professional appointed to the office of Company Secretary, irrespective of their qualification. Members may be ICSA qualified Company Secretaries, accountants, solicitors or compliance professionals.

The aim of the group is to provide a forum for those appointed to the office of Company Secretary to keep up to date with changes in compliance and regulatory matters and to create a network of people to foster information sharing and support.

The Irish Company Secretaries Group currently organise two evening briefings per year updating its members on company law, corporate governance, regulatory matters and other relevant topics.   For further information please contact