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Irish 2022 Outlook for Investment Management

A move forward

Brian Forrester, Partner and Investment Management Leader, Deloitte Ireland, weighs the challenges laying ahead for investment management firms in Ireland.

While I don’t want to tempt fate and say that the COVID-19 pandemic is “over”, it certainly seems as though we are moving to a new phase of living with the virus.

However, as the Investment Management sector looks forward, the impact of the pandemic will be felt for some time, and in no area more so than talent. It is clear that meeting the talent challenge is the number one issue facing most investment management firms today. This is true both at a global level – as we know from our Global Outlook – and local – from our evaluation of the sector in Ireland. Addressing the talent question cannot be looked at in isolation as it feeds into a second key challenge; how to bring efficiencies to business operations and firms’ operating models. These issues, along with additional challenges around sustainability and compliance, are set to shape the remainder of 2022.

The key takeaways from our Outlook

What Irish Investment Management companies need to know.

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