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Irish 2022 Outlook for Insurance

Assuring growth

Donal Lehane, Partner and Insurance Leader, and Ciara Regan, Partner, Deloitte Ireland, examine the elements shaping Ireland’s insurance sector.

The insurance industry across the globe, has in the main, navigated the upheaval of COVID-19 reasonably well.

Insurers are looking forward with a sense of opportunity in relation to potential growth across many of their business lines. This cautious optimism is reflected in our recent global survey of insurers and supporting Global 2022 Insurance Industry Outlook. From working across the insurance industry locally, we believe the sector in Ireland has real post-pandemic growth opportunities to focus on. We can see insurers are adapting their plans to ensure that they are prioritising, organising, and adapting (in some cases developing) their internal capabilities to respond to both the size of the prize in front of them and the headwinds facing them in 2022 and beyond. This twin dynamic of growth and challenges – both within the industry and macro/global dynamics – make it a really interesting time for the industry.

The key cross-industry themes at play for Irish insurers

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