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Dbriefs Asia Pacific

Dbriefs Asia Pacific Tax Webcasts

Anticipating tomorrow's complex issues and new strategies is a challenge. Navigating what's next with Dbriefs – live webcasts that give you valuable insights on important developments affecting your business

Anticipating tomorrow's complex issues and new strategies is a challenge. Take the lead with Dbriefs—live webcasts that give you valuable insights on important developments affecting your business.


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Taxation of cross border HO-BO business models

Date: 25 September 2024, 02:00 PM SGT
Host: Madhava Yathigiri 
Presenters: K. Baskar, Gaurav Bhauwala, and Bhupendra Kothari

In a recent issue covered by various media outlets, a major Indian MNC is in receipt of a notice for demand of INR 32,403 Cr as alleged non-payment of GST in relation to import of services by the Head office (“HO”) from overseas branch office (“BO”). 
This model is prevalent in the IT sector where companies are operating in a branch model. There has been plethora of judgements in the service tax regime in relation to HO-BO arrangements. However, disputes have arisen under the GST regime in respect of transfer of funds by the head office to the branch office to meet the branch office expenses. The current webcast would cover various business models and tax implications covering Indirect tax, Direct tax, and Transfer pricing in respect of HO-BO arrangements.

We will also discuss - 

•  Overview of various HO-BO business models
•  Documentation being maintained for various business models
•  Tax issues in respect of HO-BO arrangements
•  Key aspects to be considered for such arrangements
•  Judicial precedence in such cases

Recharges for share based compensation – An Asia Pacific perspective 

Date: 24 October 2024
Host: Paula Lancaster
Presenters: Robert Cho and Aarti Raote

Operating share-based compensation globally can be extremely complex. One element of this that often stands alone are the implications of corporate tax deductions in relation to these payments and how corporations manage this on a global basis. Join this Dbriefs webcast to understand more around this complex area with a particular focus on what Companies operating in the Asia Pacific region should be aware of with regards to managing the practicalities of these corporate tax deductions. In this webcast, we will focus on - 

  • How and why companies recharge for share based compensation
  • Implementational and operational complexities around recharges for corporate tax deductions
  • Key differences in Tax Authority requirements within Asia Pacific locations – with a focus on recent activity in Australia, India and Hong Kong
  • The importance of considering corporate tax as only an element of running a share based compensation plan 


Upcoming webcasts on Financial Services Industry will be updated soon.

Simplification of legal entity structure to align with the integrated business model, update tax efficient profile, and enable cost savings.

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