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Dbriefs Asia Pacific

Dbriefs Asia Pacific Tax Webcasts

Anticipating tomorrow's complex issues and new strategies is a challenge. Navigating what's next with Dbriefs – live webcasts that give you valuable insights on important developments affecting your business

Anticipating tomorrow's complex issues and new strategies is a challenge. Take the lead with Dbriefs—live webcasts that give you valuable insights on important developments affecting your business.

Webcast: Tax transparency unveiled: First experiences with EU Public CbCR and implications for Asia Pacific

Presenters: Claus Schuermann, Andrew D’ Addona, Andreas Kirsch, and Andreas Kowallik
Date: 20 February 2025, 2:30PM SGT (GMT + 08:00)

As public Country-by-Country Reporting (CbCR) gains traction globally, multinational enterprises (MNEs) are increasingly called upon to enhance income tax transparency. Recent developments, including the EU's Public CbCR directive and Australia's new Public CbCR, highlight the importance of tax governance and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations. These frameworks necessitate that MNEs address both income tax compliance and reputational impacts. This session will cover:

  • Global Developments: An overview of the latest developments in Public CbCR
  • Australia’s Public CbCR Initiative: A brief look at Australia's new reporting measures
  • First Hands-On Experience with EU Public CbCR in Romania: Insights and lessons learned for Asia-Pacific companies
  • Tax Governance and ESG: Practical implications for tax governance and alignment with ESG strategies
  • Virtual Podium Discussion: What are the pillars of a Public CbCR strategy in a global environment?

Join us for this session to gain practical insights and hands-on guidance on navigating the evolving landscape of Public CbCR to ensure that your organization is well-prepared to meet both regulatory and stakeholder expectations.


Webcast: 2025 Japan Tax Reform Proposals: Striking a balance

Presenters: Brian Richard Douglas, David Bickle, Naoko Hattori, Takuma McNie, and , Masaaki Miura
Date: 6 March 2025, 2:00PM SGT (GMT + 08:00)

Putting more cash into the hands of consumers to help cope with inflation and generating more tax revenue to support the strengthening of Japan’s self-defence capabilities are two significant components of the 2025 tax reform proposals.  Measures to address these objectives will impact on both corporate and individual taxpayers. Also, with Japan’s Income Inclusion Rule already in effect, Japan continues to align its tax laws with the OECD’s Global Minimum Tax regime (i.e. Pillar 2) by proposing to implement the undertaxed profit rule (“UTPR”) and qualified domestic minimum top-up tax (“QDMTT”) provisions.

In this Dbriefs webcast we’ll discuss:

  • New special defence surtax and impact to Japan’s effective corporate income tax rate
  • Status of Pillar 1 and 2, including the introduction of UTPR and QDMTT
  • What’s next for platform taxation in Japan


Upcoming webcasts on Global Mobility, Talent & Rewards will be updated soon.


Upcoming webcasts on Transfer Pricing will be updated soon.


Upcoming webcasts on Indirect Tax series will be updated soon.



Upcoming webcasts on Corporate Income Tax will be updated soon.


Upcoming webcasts on Financial Services Industry will be updated soon.

Simplification of legal entity structure to align with the integrated business model, update tax efficient profile, and enable cost savings.

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