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Deloitte advised Intera Partners in the sale of Merivaara

Deloitte acted as advisor to Intera Partners, a growth oriented private equity investor, on the sale of Merivaara Oy to Lojer, a Finnish hospital furniture manufacturer. Merivaara is a health technology company located in Lahti Finland.

Deloitte acted as advisor to Intera Partners, a growth oriented private equity investor, on the sale of Merivaara Oy to Lojer, a Finnish hospital furniture manufacturer. Merivaara is a health technology company located in Lahti Finland.

Merivaara Oy has been owned by Intera Partners since 2013. Today, Merivaara’s systems, equipment and services improve patient safety and increase the quality and efficiency of surgical treatment in leading international hospitals and the company employes approximately 60 professionals in Finland, Sweden, and UK.

In addition to acting as the exclusive financial advisor to Intera, Deloitte provided Vendor Assistance services.

“It was a great pleasure to work closely with both teams. The health technology is one of the fastest growing industries and the deal will certainly open up new possibilities for both companies”, says Henrik Wickström, who led the project at Deloitte.

The engagement team consisted of Henrik Wickström, Matti Saarimaa, Hakan Capkan, Niko Annola and Vili-Valtteri Mäkelä.

Deloitte warmly congratulates all parties involved.

"The health technology is one of the fastest growing industries and the deal will certainly open up new possibilities for both companies."

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