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Consultant Academy

Ready to grow?

At Deloitte Consulting we believe in lifelong learning. This means as an organization we are focused on your ongoing development and individual learning journey. It is essential to us that you evolve in a direction that truly motivates you and that you have an opportunity to get all the tools and fundamental skills necessary to keep up with both the interesting challenges and the great opportunities that Deloitte Consulting has to offer you!

Consultant Academy is your way of getting fresh and cutting-edge consulting skills and having fun in the process.

The Deloitte Consultant Academy was an incredibly cool and unique experience! It was an enjoyable and impactful week, filled with inspiring workshops, exceptional facilitators, and real-life case work, all of which took place in amazing surroundings. Throughout the week, there were plenty of opportunities for socialising with the other participants, not only during the workshops but also during the fun team-building activities and the cosy evening dinners. All in all, it served as a great way to kick-start building my internal network and gain a taste of life as a consultant!

// Ella Hedeboe, Consultant, Artificial Intelligence & Data

A refuge to challenges, relations and development
The work as a consultant is often project-oriented and network-based, and this training program brings the concrete skills you need into play. Dedicated people from the whole of Deloitte Consulting will ensure that you get some hands-on experience with real-life cases that will transform your learning into capabilities. They will take you on a very exciting educational journey and share their specialized knowledge and personal experiences. Not only will they teach you the handiest tools; they will also help you make important reflections on your role as an adviser and ensure that you will be able to get through with messages and facilitate and manage your work independently.

Consultant Academy is your journey from being a consultant to becoming a trusted advisor.

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