We strive towards being a diverse and inclusive workplace knowing that diversity of thought enables us to create impact that matters for our clients, our people, and the societies we are a part of. Furthermore, we are a people business and rely solely on our talents for the solutions we deliver to our clients. Therefore, we need to be able to attract and retain the best talent – regardless of gender, age, nationality, etc. - and provide them with a lifelong learning experience. We take our responsibility of providing a developing and exciting work life very seriously.
Our people
In FY24, we averaged a headcount of 3,393 talents and welcomed 663 new talents. We received 22,650 applications, out of which 2.9 per cent joined Deloitte. We are proud to be an attractive employer but will not rest on our laurels. We will continue to work on being an attractive workplace for a diverse talent pool.
12 per cent of all talents at Deloitte Denmark are internationals, representing 56 different nationalities.
This section includes a number of tables showing our talent composition on selected demographic variables. We aim for a diverse representation of talents, but we are not yet where we want to be in terms of our gender balance at leadership levels, which we discuss in detail later in this chapter.
Average age in Deloitte is 34. The age distribution amongst our employees is:
Retention rate
During FY24, 806 talents have left Deloitte. This includes the talents affected by the divestment of our Esbjerg office and Health Care department resulting in a retention rate of 77 per cent.
It is important that we focus on developing and motivating our talents, providing them with exciting opportunities and diverse career paths to make Deloitte an attractive workplace for many years. We do this to ensure quality and continuity to our clients, to preserve knowledge and a great team spirit in our organisation, and to reduce recruitment and onboarding cost. When excluding the sale of our Esbjerg office our retention rate is 79.9 per cent. We consider this balanced and are furthermore glad to see a high share of re-hires, meaning almost 10 per cent of our new hires this year have formerly been employed at Deloitte.
We continue to use quantitative and qualitative feedback from leavers to improve the talent experience of our people.
Learning and development
At Deloitte, we are committed to providing the best talent development experience in the country. With the launch of 360 Develop – Centre for Lifelong Learning, we will be investing substantially in our talents’ learning over the coming years. We have a 70-20-10 approach to learning and prioritise learning and development throughout the year. 10 per cent of our talents’ learning should be acquired through formal training, 70 per cent through on-the-job learning and 20 per cent through social learning in interactions with others e.g. through feedback.
We continue to have a strong focus on our Leadership Academy programme. As part of this, training is offered regarding personal development, personal sustainability, and how to catalyse high performance within teams. Psychological safety, too, is key – important in ensuring teams are defined by high levels of inclusion, commitment, and respect. This is why psychological safety is itself an important part of our training course Leading High Performance Teams – and we are happy to note that almost 100 of our leaders have taken this course this year.
During FY24, we have invested an average of DKK 16,076 in training per talent resulting in a total investment of DKK 52,295,600.
This year, our talents have on average attended 52 hours of formal training. Going forward, we will both improve our reporting options on training data and invest in the training we provide to our people.
Average annual training hours per individual by level:
Work-life at Deloitte
We want to ensure that Deloitte is an attractive workplace throughout our talents’ careers and want to offer the flexibility that different life phases require in order to attract and retain the best talents. Our Work Agility Policy promotes flexibility in where and when to work as well as offering structured options for taking time off.
During FY24, 43 of our talents have taken a Time Out, which is the option to take self-paid leave to pursue dreams outside of work. On average, our talents have taken a Time Out of 5 months.
We promote flexibility in work hours, and 4 per cent of our talents work part-time (0.8 per cent of men, and 5.5 per cent of women). This is exclusive of student assistants.
Becoming a parent while having a career at Deloitte
During FY24, 119 of our female talents and 208 of our male talents have been covered by our Happy Parents Package as they welcomed a child to their family. We provide equal parental leave terms for all parents and co-parents with 24 weeks of paid leave. New legislation introduced this year provides LGTBQ+ families with the opportunity for social parents to take 13 weeks of parental leave. At Deloitte, we offer these weeks with full pay.
Deloitte encourages fathers to take more parental leave, and we are happy to see that our work is paying off with fathers and co-parents now taking an average of 15 weeks of parental leave (up from 9 weeks in 2020/2021). Furthermore, 97.8 per cent of fathers and co-parents take more parental leave than the two weeks of paternity leave placed in continuation of the birth (up from 81 per cent).
We have historically struggled with retaining female talents after they return from parental leave and have worked continuously on improving our offers to new parents. This FY, we are pleased to see that 81.1 per cent of females returning from parental leave are still with Deloitte one year after return. For men, it is 93.4 per cent.
Health and safety at work
We are committed to ensuring our talents grow and thrive at work, and we care about their wellbeing. Deloitte offers home office equipment to prevent ergonomic issues, and we focus on our talents’ mental wellbeing. 75 per cent of our talents are “confident Deloitte would support me if I were experiencing challenges with my mental health/well-being”. We work continuously to improve this score, and one action is leadership training with focus on psychological safety.
Furthermore, we provide health insurance for our talents as well as proactive early care where our health insurance provider reaches out in full confidentiality to talents with more than 8 consecutive sick days to inform them of the different offers available to them. During FY24, our health insurance provider reached out to 1.8 per cent of our talents.
In FY24, the sickness absence in Deloitte Denmark was 2.7 per cent of the contractual working hours. This equals an average of 5.4 days per talent.
Deloitte is committed to the highest level of ethics, integrity and quality. Our culture is based on respect and inclusion and must be free from discrimination, harassment, and other unethical behaviour. This is reflected in our Global Principles of Business Conduct (Global Code) and NSE Code of Conduct. This year, we have improved our ‘Speak-Up’ whistle-blower setup which ensures that ethics concerns can be reported, investigated, and acted upon if they arise. Read more in the Governance section.
Levelling the playing field – our continuous focus on women in leadership
We work to ensure diversity, equity, and inclusiveness for all talents in Deloitte. We are committed to providing equal opportunities in recruitment and selection, development and promotion, and we work specifically toward having more women in leadership positions in our firm.
We are happy that 40 per cent of our elected board members are female and that we thereby has an equal gender representation in the board of directors. The Board is also diverse in terms of professional backgrounds, geography, and international experience. In compliance with the Danish Act on Approved Auditors and Audit Firms, the majority of the board members are state-authorised public accountants. Our goal is to continue to have a gender balance of at least 40/60 in our Board.
Our target is for our Executive team, which constitutes Deloitte's other management levels as defined in the Danish Company Law, to be 33 per cent female in 2026. This financial year 18 per cent of the Executive team was female. On June 1 2024, we welcomed new people into our Executive team, resulting in a current gender balance of 30.8 per cent.
Our continuous focus on reaching gender balance at leadership levels is demonstrated by a steady – but slow – increase in the share of female Partners. 33.3 per cent of the talents who joined the Partner group during FY24 were women (10/30), resulting in a total of 19 per cent female Partners. However, we are not yet where we want to be, and we therefore continue our efforts. Especially amongst our Equity Partners we still have a long way to go as only 11 per cent are women.
We have a data-driven approach to understanding the root causes for our current gender balance at the different leadership levels. We track data on representation, talent experience and engagement, and gender differences in turnover data. We furthermore set targets and, for example, aim for a target of 33 per cent women in Business Unit leadership positions in 2026.
Exploring root causes behind our gender balance
This year, we have further investigated potential gender differences in people processes related to compensation, performance evaluations, and career development. Our initial findings indicate an adjusted gender pay gap at less than 1 per cent and no significant difference in average performance ratings between male and female talents.
We do have a skewed gender balance from manager level and up, and our promotion pipeline data also shows that we tend to have a higher share of men than women expected to be promoted. We will continue to investigate these processes, including our annual year-end processes to ensure that these processes are informed with relevant data to support decision-making and to mitigate potential biases.
We will collaborate with our Women’s Advisory Board consisting of female talents providing qualitative insights on challenges related to gender balance, as well as involving our Culture Ambassadors in reviewing our performance management setup.
Employee Resource Groups
In Deloitte we have a range of employee resource groups (ERGs). These groups are employee-driven networks providing a community for talents with shared identities and interests. By providing input and perspectives, they help us to build a more inclusive workplace – together. This year the ERGs have collaborated on the project “Inclusion of minorities” where they have created recommendations to management on issues regarding inclusion. They also contribute to Deloitte’s annual Diversity & Inclusion Week through the planning of events.
Our ERGs are:
Deloitte’s Diversity & Inclusion Week 2024
Turning the tables – from a minority perspective
Many of our minority group colleagues have experienced being asked insensitive questions – in many cases, simply from a lack of understanding of what might hurt them. To increase awareness of this and again underline our commitment to inclusion, as well as our endorsement of the UN Standards, we have asked non-minority employees some of the questions that minority groups have received.
Global Village at Deloitte
We are part of an international organisation with a strong local foothold. Our Culture Survey shows that international talents feel less included than Danish talents. To better understand some of the challenges international talents face and help bridge the cultural differences, the international community hosted an event where all talents were invited to learn about the different languages spoken within the firm, and the various culture represented.
The fasting challenge with Deloitte Muslim Network
Ramadan is a significant and sacred observance in the Islamic faith. Fasting also comes with work-related challenges, such as managing energy levels while fasting. To raise awareness and share knowledge, the Deloitte Muslim Network held a fasting challenge for one day giving our talents the chance to learn about the meaning of Ramadan.
Celebration of International Women’s Day
For International Women’s Day, we invited some of our top leaders to discuss gender equality and structural barriers for women in the workplace – an issue we take seriously and want to improve on. This hybrid event was open to all of our talents, both in person and virtually.
Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our time, and we need to work together as businesses, governments, nations, and individuals to take action. Being a leading advisor of transformation to organisations worldwide, Deloitte is leading the way towards a lower-carbon future by guiding clients on their sustainability journeys – from a compliance as well as innovation point of view.
In Denmark, during the past year, we have focused on bringing our shared values to life. As part of efforts to continuously strengthen our culture, we introduced a new Culture Ambassador Programme with 23 representatives across the firm to ensure that we connect and make progress on topics that are important to our people.
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