
Redesigning Trust: Responsible Blockchain Deployments

A comprehensive guidebook for building and scaling blockchain solutions

The World Economic Forum’s Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, in collaboration with Deloitte and other contributors, has published a blockchain deployment toolkit. This toolkit helps guide blockchain solution design and deployment to foster decisions that are inclusive, interoperable, and made with integrity. The toolkit focuses on supply chain use cases, however, the concepts are applicable to many other domains like finance, digital media, etc.

Revolutionizing the supply chain world

Blockchain solutions have the potential to revolutionize how companies compete and stakeholders collaborate in the supply chain world. With so many considerations and obstacles involved in implementing this technology, the World Economic Forum, Deloitte, and other participants collaborated on a global, multi-industry, multi-stakeholder endeavour aimed at helping organizations build and scale robust blockchain solutions.

The summary below offers highlights of Redesigning Trust: Blockchain Deployment Toolkit. It also serves as a brief for executives to familiarize themselves with blockchain deployment success factors and barriers.

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Redesigning Trust: Blockchain Deployment Toolkit

Explore the toolkit

The blockchain deployment toolkit: Modular content, holistic approach

The Redesigning Trust: Blockchain Deployment Toolkit is a set of tools, resources, and know-how designed to guide organizations throughout the lifecycle of any blockchain project, particularly with a blockchain focus, but with heightened value if used during the development and deployment phases.

Tapping into a wealth of industry experience and analysis of real projects, the toolkit highlights key end-to-end considerations and leading practices for blockchain supply chain deployments, including risk mitigation, cybersecurity, and data protection.

The toolkit is available as an interactive digital tool and a printable handbook, featuring 14 different modules that collectively outline key success and risk factors spanning the blockchain journey.

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This modular content and holistic approach considers all parts of the business, with the hope that users can identify and select the most relevant modules for their business needs.

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By decision makers, for decision makers

The blockchain deployment toolkit is aimed primarily at decision makers involved in the development and deployment of a blockchain solution, including both public and private entities. Roles and responsibilities span functions typically involved in building and scaling blockchain solutions, such as project management, operations, IT, compliance, procurement, partner engagement, and more.

Toolkit contributors plan to use the toolkit by:

  • Sharing it with upstream and downstream partners, focusing on deriving value from blockchain technology and leveling the playing field for Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and marginal players
  • Supporting more responsible blockchain deployments, de-risking early adoption, and ensuring careful consideration of unintended consequences, such as costly mistakes and premature upscaling 
  • Bringing internal and external users up to speed on key topics and considerations
  • Picking the leading approach and solution for an organization’s unique environment and taking a proactive approach to the mitigation of new risks 
  • Designing a compliant solution, equipped with leading practices from legal and regulator compliance specialists 
  • Drafting technical and non-technical drivers of success for blockchain projects based on toolkit content

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Cut through the hype and level the playing field

The blockchain deployment toolkit is actionable, relevant, and user-friendly for building and scaling well-thought-out solutions.

Based on world-class information gathered and synthesized in collaboration with several industry leaders, the toolkit draws upon more than 40 global supply chain use cases—allowing users to cut through the blockchain hype and helping newcomers navigate this promising technology.

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Our hope? To level the playing field in the ecosystem; foster decisions that are inclusive, interoperable, and made with integrity; and accelerate the proliferation of responsible blockchain solutions.

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Disclaimer: This toolkit does not include resources for determining whether blockchain technology is the right fit for your use case or for evaluating your organization’s digital maturity. An assumption for the toolkit is that users would only start to use it once they have already selected blockchain technology and have a well-defined use case. More information about the scope of the document can be found in the Assumptions section of the Blockchain Deployment Toolkit available on the World Economic Forum’s site.

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