In this Tax Webcast, we cover the following topics:
1. Local tax developments
1. 1 Amending Law Regulating the Settlement of Overdue Taxes
1. 2 Tax Department announcement - Ten-Year Government Bond Yield Rates as at 31/12/2019
1. 3 Renewal of the Cyprus Tonnage Tax System
2. Tax treaty developments
2. 2 Entry into force of the Protocol to the Cyprus – Ukraine treaty for the avoidance of double taxation
3. International developments
3. 1 Updated EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes
4. Tax diary for February and March 2020
29 February 2020
31 March 2020
The previous 2019 Tax Webcasts (with full description) are available below.
May 2019
You can also find the rest of our archived videos on Youtube.
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Please note that the comments made in this presentation, to some extent, are based on material obtained from sources outside Deloitte.
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