In this Tax Webcast, we cover the following topics:
1. Local tax developments
1. 1 Amending SDC law for the reduction of SDC payable on interest from corporate bonds
1. 2 Circular 37 – Questions and Answers related to the Informative Leaflet on BiKs
1. 3 Circular 38 – Compensation of Community Council Governors
2. International developments
2. 1 Italian Supreme Court rules on tax residence of holding company
3. Tax diary
31 July 2019
- Εlectronic submission of the 2018 personal tax return by salaried individuals whose gross income exceeds €19.500 & payment of any tax thereof
- Electronic submission of the 2018 Employer’s return
- Payment of the first provisional tax instalment for 2019 via JCC (no interest and penalties apply, if the payment is made until 31 August 2019)
1 August 2019
- Payment of the 2018 tax balance through self-assessment by companies & individuals preparing audited financial statements
31 August 2019
- Payment of the second instalment of the premium tax for insurance companies for 2019
The previous Tax Webcasts (with full description) are available below.
May 2019
You can also find the archived videos on Youtube.
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