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Overview of obligations to notify mergers across Central Europe

Comparative analysis in 13 jurisdictions

Before any merger transaction, it is crucial to understand the full ramifications of the deal to prepare for all obligations that undertakings will be subject to both before and after closing.

Concentrations and mergers should be assessed in light of the notification thresholds regulated by EU law (where applicable) and national law to establish whether the transaction is compatible with the internal/national markets.

Within the CEE/SEE region, the thresholds, procedures and timelines for notifying relevant concentrations vary from country to country and failure to notify can lead to substantial fines.

Deloitte Legal offers a one-stop shop for examining whether a notification obligation is triggered and recommending the next steps in notifying concentrations in each jurisdiction.

In this publication, we look at obligations to notify mergers on an EU level and across 13 jurisdictions in Central Europe.

We hope you will find this overview interesting and helpful to your work.

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