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Alumni career journeys

Celebrating Deloitte Bermuda's alumni

Through this feature series, we follow the career journeys of Deloitte alumni who continue to make an impact–as well as stories of alumni whose career journeys brought them back to Deloitte.

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Estina Francis

"I’ve always said, to this day, that the people are what makes Deloitte special. I had never experienced being in a setting where so much was invested in my professional and personal development. Whether it was through receiving and facilitating training, travelling for client meetings, being promoted to new roles or assigned to challenging projects, there was never a time when I was denied an opportunity to learn and grow. I will forever attribute who I am as a professional to my experiences at Deloitte".

Read the full story of Estina's career journey.

Travis Trott

"I follow Deloitte on social media platforms (Instagram and LinkedIn) to stay connected, along with keeping up friendships with ex-colleagues. I have found that it is very important to keep these relationships, especially in Bermuda, as you will run into each other time and time again whether it be in a work, or a social environment".

Read the full story of Travis' career journey.

Nicole Valadao

One of the most valuable learning experiences I had with Deloitte was Business Chemistry – it is a framework that goes beyond understanding your workstyle and provides you with an easy to follow, practical toolkit on how to better your workplace interactions and how to truly bend your style to work with others.

News about you

Deloitte alumni are doing extraordinary things including founding and leading emerging companies, publishing content, and pursuing unique personal interests.

Have a personal or professional update you want to share in the next edition of The Network? Email our Bermuda Alumni Relations team at Submit a brief update and include your former Deloitte function and office.